Looks like Seria wasn't in the best shape this time around and lost in a fight with Zephys, who is now claiming her well earned prize :>
Gorgeous stuff by @Yokappa ♥
Once more, thank you!!
#Zephys_Arx_Ventus #Seria_Ex_Umbra #Loli #Futa #futa_on_loli #Baphomet #Baphomet_Girl #Dullahan
#Zephys_Arx_Ventus #Seria_Ex_Umbra #loli #futa #futa_on_loli #baphomet #Baphomet_Girl #dullahan
Seria's battle to defend a strategically important fort in the neverending war between the invading warlords of Dakon and the forces of Satellia.
She seems to be enjoying herself tearing through the hordes of cannon fodder.
Some super stunning art commissioned from @Saova ♥
Thank you once again!!
#Seria_Ex_Umbra #Loli #Baphomet #Baphomet_Girl #Monster_Girl
#Seria_Ex_Umbra #loli #baphomet #Baphomet_Girl #monster_girl