This is the Coppersmith Barbet at Kannamangala lake, Bengaluru, India.
It is a small barbet quite common across the Indian subcontinent. In spite of its colourful plumage this is a bird which is mostly heard and rarely seen. Its call—a monotonous poong-poong—can be easily heard at dawn and dusk in Bengaluru’s lakes. It resembles a coppersmith banging an anvil and hence the name. #BirdPhotography #birding #Photography #india #ornithology #wildlife #bengaluru #barbet
#Barbet #bengaluru #WildLife #ornithology #India #Photography #birding #birdphotography
A White-cheeked Barbet at Kaikondrahalli lake, Bengaluru India. This leaf-green and bark-brown bird is one of the most common birds in the city but is mostly heard and rarely seen. It is quite easy it spot if one knows that they have to follow the incessant kut-roo kut-roo call in the months of March and April. It is replaced by the Brown Barbet outside the western ghats complex in India. #birding #BirdPhotography #Photography #wildlife #ornithology #india #barbet #bengaluru
#bengaluru #Barbet #India #ornithology #WildLife #Photography #birdphotography #birding
En Otis kan meer dan leuk op schoot zitten 😉 Hij is een kei in #mantrailing #speuren #workingdog #barbet #frenchwaterdog
#frenchwaterdog #Barbet #workingdog #speuren #mantrailing
Otis is jarig 🥳 #dejongste, #deprins, de leukste, de liefste ❤️ #4yearsoldtoday #barbet #frenchwaterdog
#frenchwaterdog #Barbet #4yearsoldtoday #deprins #dejongste