And speaking of viruses in the US.
#BarelySatire #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists
>Americans Reveal What It’s Like Living With The Woke Mind Virus
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire
Seriously #BarelySatire
#ThisIsAmerica #BadEconomy
>New Community Health Program Teaches Low-Income Americans To Ignore Symptoms
FTA: "The first thing we tell people is to never, ever go to the emergency room. Something as simple as sudden, unexplained headaches could be a serious sign of medical bankruptcy..."
#BadEconomy #thisisamerica #BarelySatire
Quiz: Could You Pass Anti-Woke Diversity Training In Florida?
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #Floriduh #BarelySatire
#BarelySatire, I guess if the librarian gig does not work out, and I get laid off. . .
>New U.S. Army Recruitment Ad Touts Military As Great Alternative To Starving On Streets
Again, #BarelySatire
>Christians Explain Why They Push Christianity In Public Schools
#religion #christians #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire
Seriously #BarelySatire.
>Democrats Respond To Jacksonville Shooting With Proposal To Remove Black People From Circulation
#RepublicanLite #thisisamerica #BarelySatire
Americans React To Trump’s Mug Shot
#PartyOfStupid #PendejoInChief #BarelySatire
Texas Cancels School Over Concerns Extreme Heat Not Safe Environment For Shootings
FTA: "...superintendent Theresa Williams, explaining that the last thing the district wanted was for school shooters to pass out from dehydration or heat stroke. "
Seriously #BarelySatire.
>Nation’s Liberals Anxiously Waiting With Unzipped Pants To Jerk Off To Trump Mug Shot
Apparently something or other was going on last night with the #PendejoInChief.
>Trump Supporters React To His Debate-Night Tucker Carlson Interview
#PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire #PendejoInChief
@theonion Really needs to stop giving Eli Cologne ideas.
New Twitter Homepage Features Photo Of Erect Penis That Is Impossible To Close Out Of
FTA: "At press time, the announcement was met by a flurry of replies from blue-check users responding, 'Excellent girth, Mr. Musk!'”
#libraries #vampire #humor #censorship #bannedbooks #reading #books #BarelySatire
5-Year-Old Going To Be In Big Trouble If Mom Survives Gunshot
FTA: "How many times have I told you to never, ever touch my Glock? Mommy is very, very angry... and... cold... and... losing blood....”
Seriously #BarelySatire
Republicans React To Trump’s Indictment In Georgia
Sample FTA: “Through his anointing by God, Trump speaks the law into existence, and he has clearly stated that he’s innocent.” --James Williamson, Law Clerk
#PendejoInChief #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire
Christians Explain Why Jesus Was Too Liberal
Sample FTA: “He fed 5,000 hungry people with five loaves and two fish when he could have easily just called the police and had them all tear gassed.” --Justin Fielder, Food Critic
#BarelySatire but again, I am a happy heathen.
#Christofascists #PartyOfStupid
#PartyOfStupid #ChristoFascists #BarelySatire
@theonion Please stop giving #Floriduh ideas.
Florida Students Given Lifelike Dolls To Simulate Responsibility Of Owning Slave
#education #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire #Floriduh
#Floriduh #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists
New Florida School Curriculum Requires Students To Keep Eyes Shut Tight All Day Until Safe At Home
But wait, there is more. FTA: "At press time, Diaz [FL education chief] added that all teachers would soon be required to have their lips sewn shut and be chemically castrated before they could legally interact with students."
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #Floriduh #BarelySatire
Conservatives Explain Why Libraries Should Be Defunded
@theonion Not even trying to be #BarelySatire.
#libraries #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #censorship #BannedBooks #books #reading
#reading #books #bannedbooks #censorship #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #libraries #BarelySatire
White People Explain Why Diversity Initiatives Are Discriminatory
Sample FTA: “I worked hard all my life to be white. I’m not just letting some young minority come in and steal my race.” --Lance Upton, Data Analyst
Liberals Explain Why Homelessness Should Be Criminalized
Sample FTA: “I don’t care what you do with them, but please, call them the unhoused.” --Lydia Channix, Glassblower
#homeless #BarelySatire #BadEconomy