Sand Hill Thicket · @SandHillThicket
79 followers · 217 posts · Server

Duchess is so proud of herself! (This is how I normally see mice.) She wants me to let her inside so she can present her gift to me...😝

#Cats #BarnCats #mouser #CatsOfMastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

· @senta_wolfsberg
154 followers · 660 posts · Server

Moin! Finally, weekend is here.
At the end of an annoying working week I really need some at .
Have a good

#catcontent #Ponyhof #weekend #schleswigholstein #fridayfeeling #BarnCats #cats #countryside

Last updated 2 years ago

Poppakat · @Poppakat
12 followers · 96 posts · Server
Lotus · @KinkyLotus
549 followers · 3 posts · Server

Our farm is currently home to:
πŸ¦† 12 ducks
πŸ“ 14 chickens
πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί 1 doggo
🐈 2
πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸŒΎπŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸŒΎ 2 adult humans + πŸ™πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ1 homeschooled child (who is 10-ish) that splits his time between here and Texas

and lots of wildlife including:
- MANY, MANY deer
- foxes
- bobcats
- coyotes
- bear
- snakes & lizards
- rabbits
- so many birds
- mountain lion? (I haven't seen any signs personally but there are rumors)
- field mice
- etc

Some livestock I am hoping to bring to our land once we get better fencing:
- a family dairy cow or two
- a few steer to grow our own
- yaks
- llamas
- sheep
- a horse or two

We still have a lot of work ahead as we build out our farm infrastructure and improve the soil with practices. Our main goal is to balance the needs of the land and its' wild inhabitants with our own needs and leave this place healthier & more abundant than we found it.

#bordercollie #BarnCats #grassfedbeef #regenerativefarming

Last updated 2 years ago

Relativisten · @Relativisten
114 followers · 104 posts · Server

I had a discussion with someone who would die on the hill of that from different litters, ages and households never will get along as cats "don't work that way".

My counterargument could be this picture. (Never mind the laundry pile). One of many of my two boys who arrived 2 week apart. One from a shelter and one from a catlady. They have nothing in common by default but are the weirdest of furry friends.

#catsdon #BarnCats #housecat #mainecoon #cats

Last updated 2 years ago

Cas Fick · @cmfick
306 followers · 248 posts · Server

I saw some posts and I wanted to share my too since they are heavily featured in the I'm writing for nano.

The image of the two cats are of Bella and Maze. They are inseparable. Maze brings me presents of the dead variety and Bella wants to be a house cat.
The orange cat is Rusty Cat. He's king mouser and boss of the homestead.
Next is Pirate Pete. He is a reserved guy who only comes out for food and scratches

#wip #middlegrade #BarnCats #mastocats

Last updated 2 years ago