@skribe #Barnaby #Matildas Just how ivre do you have to be to not realise you are watching the wrong game. https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7btXyWGLpkoiCA48/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47l11c5zq2wcsyr1lvi8vjgeo2akn8nduh6vcihc8k&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
#Barnaby #apologised to Herr #Dutton #auspol
#Barnaby #apologised #dutton #auspol
#ill #informed #Barnaby #auspol
Barnaby Joyce says Labor hasn't released the wording to enshrine the Voice to Parliament in the constitution. Is that correct?
#ill #informed #Barnaby #auspol
@kentparkstreet #Barnaby and #ScottyfromMarketing ignored all advice to have a Board of Directors with the right blend of skill and expertise Instead they put in their incompetent mates. Moving the route to a flood plain is the least of it.
@poostain @ZLabe Australia’s weather is typically a roughly 10 year cycle - 2-3 wet years followed by 7-8 years of dry weather culminating in a drought. This has been going on since time immemorial and we need to be planning for the 2029 drought and the 2032 floods. Climate change is making these cycles more severe e.g. the drought & fires in 2019. The solutions are blindingly obvious (except to people like #Barnaby & #Angus #LandOfDroughts&FloodingRains #Australia
#Australia #landofdroughts #angus #Barnaby
Heute wird es eine lange #Barnaby Nacht. Statt wie üblich zwei Folgen hintereinander, sendet #ZDFneo heute gleich vier am Stück. Und da es die der aktuellen Staffel sind, ist es für mich natürlich Pflichtprogramm. Letzte Woche noch Staffel 3, heute dann 22. Null Problemo, schließlich bin ich Montags dabei, seit neo damit angefangen hat 😉