In work commissioned by the
we analysed the costs and benefits of implementing the #Barnahus model in Latvia.
This model aims to better support child victims of violence and abuse. A thread (1/10)
#Barnahus #childabusepreventionmonth
Avui s’ha inaugurat a #Tarragona un centre #Barnahus : un centre per atendre nens que han patit abusos sexuals.
Es tracta d’un projecte finançat amb els fons #NextGenerationEU i la Comissió preveu implantar aquest model en altres països.
#Tarragona #Barnahus #NextGenerationEU
Children who have suffered sexual abuse must not feel like victims over again, and #Barnahus model helps to ensure it.
#EUvsChildSexualAbuse regulation is a bold proposal that puts victims at the centre. All details 👉!prXGYf
RT @ComisionEuropea: El primer centro #Barnahus de España🇪🇸: una casa para atender a niños que han sufrido abuso sexual.
La @EU_Commission planea implantar este proyecto, que cuenta con apoyo del Instrumento de Apoyo Técnic…
#Barnahus #EUvsChildSexualAbuse
El primer centro #Barnahus de España🇪🇸: una casa para atender a niños que han sufrido abuso sexual.
La @EU_Commission planea implantar este proyecto, que cuenta con apoyo del Instrumento de Apoyo Técnico y #NextGenerationEU, en varios países miembros🇪🇺.
RT @CBSSsecretariat: .@dubravkasuica, Vice President of the @EU_Commission for Democracy & Demography, expresses her support for the #Barnahus model & @CBSSsecretariat efforts to prevent & fight violence against children.
Read her article on #childprotection on our website 👉
La UE 🇪🇺 apoya el desarrollo del modelo de "House of Children" (Barnahus) en España 🇪🇸.
Esta ambiciosa reforma contribuirá a implantar una justicia adaptada a los menores mediante una cooperación y coordinación más eficaces de los servicios. #EU4Children @EU_reforms
RT @EU_reforms: 🗣️Fruitful discussion on the #Barnahus model that we carry out with @CoE_children.
🤝We provide technical support to 🇪🇸 and its regions to strengthen child friendly-justice and coopera…
RT @EU_reforms: 🗣️Fruitful discussion on the #Barnahus model that we carry out with @CoE_children.
🤝We provide technical support to 🇪🇸 and its regions to strengthen child friendly-justice and cooperation among all the Barnahus-type services.
RT @EU_reforms: 🗓️Today we kick-off another project scaling up the House for Children model (Barnahus), this time in 🇮🇪Ireland, in collaboration with @coe.
The #Barnahus model supports children victim of sexual abuse, helping promote children’s rights. #EU4Children
Never before have children enjoyed more rights, opportunities & security thanks to the work of @EU_reforms and @dcediy - @danieledottoEU speaking at kickoff meeting on the #Barnahus model in Ireland🇮🇪 today.
The Barnahus model provides services to child victims of sexual abuse.
RT @UN_EndViolence: High-level event on #Barnahus model on the occasion of the European #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Child-friendly services & justice for victims of violence cannot wait. We must support children dealing with the devastating / life-long consequences of abuse ‼️
#Barnahus #EndChildSexAbuseDay
Nuevo proyecto conjunto de @EU_reforms y @coe en 🇪🇸 de cooperación y coordinación entre los servicios de #Barnahus.
Barnahus apoya a los niños víctimas de abuso sexual mediante una justicia adaptada a ellos con una respuesta multidisciplinaria e interinstitucional. #EU4Children
RT @EU_reforms: 🤝Proud to launch with @coe a new project supporting effective cooperation and coordination among different #Barnahus services in 🇪🇸. B…
RT @EU_reforms: Fight against child sexual abuse is a priority for 🇪🇺. Together with 🇸🇮 administration and @CoE_children we developed #Barnahus, that supports victims with a child-friendly, multidisciplinary justice system.
RT @JugJerse: #Barnahus Hiša za otroke je vzoren projekt sodelovanja 🇪🇺 komisije @EU_reforms , 🇸🇮 @Mpravosodje in @CoE_children za dober namen. Da bi se vsak otrok počutil varno, tudi ko so okoliščine neprijetne!
#Barnahus je vodilni evropski model za obravnavo otrok žrtev spolnih zlorab. S podporo 🇪🇺 je prva 🏠 za otroke po tem modelu zaživela tudi v 🇸🇮. V prijaznem in varnem okolju omogoča podporo otrokom, ki so žrtve ali priče nasilja.
@Mpravosodje @mddszRS @VaruhCPRS @SOStelefon
RT @EU_reforms: Fight against child sexual abuse is a priority for 🇪🇺. Together with 🇸🇮 administration and @CoE_children we developed #Barnahus, that support…
RT @JugJerse: Iskrene čestitke, 🇸🇮, za odprtje Hiše za otroke #Barnahus. Vzorčno sodelovanje 🇸🇮 @Mpravosodje, 🇪🇺 (@EU_reforms), @CoE_children in @EEANorwayGrants. Otroci so naše največje bogastvo! To letos v 🇪🇺 še posebej obeležujemo z evropskim letom mladih #EYY.
Boj proti spolni zlorabi otrok je prednostna naloga EU.
Projekt #Barnahus podpira žrtve z otrokom prijaznim, multidisciplinarnim pristopom.
Ponosni smo, da smo skupaj z @CoE_children in @Mpravosodje projekt danes zagnali tudi v 🇸🇮.
RT @EU_reforms: Fight against child sexual abuse is a priority for the EU. #Barnahus supports victims with a child-friendly, multidisciplinary justice system. Proud to participate firsthand in the la…