“As many of us suspected this rebuff on GRR has incensed our First Minister and her cabal of Gender zealots more than the Supreme Court rejection of an independence referendum.” #BarrheadBoy
“She could have had the Prime Minister on the back foot just as Colin managed this week. Instead, she was focused on her GRR Bill.” by #BarrheadBoy
“Once again Sturgeon has been exposed as devoid of strategic ability. If she had accepted the sensible amendments, albeit one from the Tories she may have avoided the intervention of London. Once again though, her pig headeness prevented compromise…” by #barrheadboy
Bright and breezy north coast. Listening to today’s #NewMedia Scottish blogs in text-to-speech. #CraigMurray #BarrheadBoy #YoursForScotland #WingsOverScotland #CaltonJock #AllyFarquhar #Jeggit
#YoursForScotland #WingsOverScotland #newmedia #craigmurray #BarrheadBoy #CaltonJock #AllyFarquhar #Jeggit
Latest #ScottishPrism Podcast 🎧 by #BarrheadBoy with guest David Hooks of the new Independence for Scotland Party. https://soundcloud.com/indyscotnews/scottish-prism-28th-august-2020-david-hooks
Excellent blog from #BarrheadBoy “With 56 MPs and the Scotland BIll going through the English Parliament in 2015, it was our chance to strike a blow for freedom, instead we whimpered and complied to the Westminster game and rules...” https://www.barrheadboy.com/new-year-new-rules-of-engagement/