@OrionCanning #OutoftheAshes reminds me of a bastard child of #TOR #Barsaive #RQ #Stonetop #BeyondtgeWall.
I especially the focus on #humans of different cultures and the #community building aspect. Furthermore, it's not a huge tome. I like it a lot so far.
#OutoftheAshes #tor #Barsaive #RQ #Stonetop #BeyondtgeWall #humans #community
@mofte @Moonmoth Keine Ahnung, welche Wurzeln Du hast? Glorantha ist/war der Ursprung/die Vorlage so vieler Settings (z. B, #Earthdawn, #Barsaive; #WFRP, #OldWorld; #Symbaroum, #Ducks etc.). Elevator Pitch: Sandals, bronze Swords & Sorcery with a lot of culture/mythology! M. E. ein sehr starker Ideensteinbruch, in dem man sich velieren kann.
Wie heißt es so schön: Your #Glorantha may vary. Ich bin ein Fan, der indes nur an der Oberfläche kratzt. Enjoy.
Highly recommended.
#earthdawn #Barsaive #WFRP #oldworld #symbaroum #ducks #glorantha
@gunnar #Earthdawn is exquisite shit! Extremely well done setting with some #runequest #glorantha inspiration. #Barsaive rocks!
#earthdawn #runequest #glorantha #Barsaive