I like this graph
because it works even better when you consider that the rate is actually closer to #exponential.
I always recommend #Bartlett's writing on our inability to think exponentially.
@TwraSun “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand #ExponentialGrowth” — Albert #Bartlett
Don't live in #Green #Lane nor #Bankhouse #Drive nor #Bartlett #Close in #Maghull, #Sefton, #Merseyside (#Liverpool), #England, #United #Kingdom (#UK)!
#green #lane #bankhouse #drive #Bartlett #close #maghull #Sefton #merseyside #Liverpool #england #United #kingdom #uk
#avoid living in the #dover #meadows #area of #maghull in #sefton. #merseyside. #liverpool area.
avoid #green #lane. #bankhouse #drive. #bartlett #close. avoid the area.
#avoid #dover #meadows #area #maghull #Sefton #merseyside #Liverpool #green #lane #bankhouse #drive #Bartlett #close #hell #money #rent #mortgage
dont #mortgage a #house in #dover #meadows. #bartlett #close. #maghull. #liverpool.
#renters have brought the #area down.
some renters are #bad #people. #awful. #vile. #liars. #criminals.
#mortgage #house #dover #meadows #Bartlett #close #maghull #Liverpool #renters #area #bad #people #awful #Vile #liars #Criminals #rent #home #Sefton #merseyside #police
RT @jcreyesmoreno
#Camarena, Kuykendall, Heath, Berrellez, Gavin, Reagan.
Félix Gallardo, Fonseca Carrillo, #CaroQuintero, Salcido Uzeta, Zuno Arce, Matta Ballesteros.
García Ramírez, #Bartlett Díaz, Arévalo Gardoqui, Zorrilla, Aldana, De la Madrid.
#casocamarena #camarena #caroquintero #Bartlett
RT @AlfredoAlvarezz
Ordenan repetir juicio por asesinato del agente de la @DEAHQ Enrique Camarena. Momento ideal para que #Bartlett vaya a EEUU a atender la invitación hecha por @USAmbMex Ken Salazar
Steven James Bartlett esittää SERRCissä kiusallista analyysia Amerikkalaisesta raivo-epidemiasta. Osa 1 https://social-epistemology.com/2023/01/23/rage-in-america-why-is-this-happening-part-i-steven-james-bartlett/, Osa 2 https://social-epistemology.com/2023/01/25/rage-in-america-why-is-this-happening-part-ii-steven-james-bartlett/. Kyse ei ole yksilöiden mielenvikaisuudesta tms., vaan koruttomasti liikakansoituksesta, sen lietsomasta patologisesta yhteisyydestä (joka lisää koettua tungosta) ja ihmislajin kyvyttömyydestä katsoa peiliin kliinikon silmin. Aikaisemmin Bartlett osoitti toivon keskeiseksi realistisen tilannearvion esteeksi.
Time for some fruit math:
🍎 + 🍐 = Apples & Pears
🍎 × 🍐 = Apple Pears
#California #Chico #food #foodporn #foodie #apple #apples #pear #pears #applepear #applepears #fruit #fruits #math #honeycrisp #bartlett #science #genetics
#california #chico #food #foodPorn #foodie #apple #apples #pear #pears #applepear #applepears #fruit #fruits #math #honeycrisp #Bartlett #science #genetics
@timwaterman @jonathankendall @kimonkrenz @bartlett
Et voilà! Here we are!
Anyone who's interested in #Bartlett news can follow @bartlett and will see any toot in their timeline mentioning it as it will be boosted.
Feeling like I've cracked next level Mastodon mastery... 🤣
Of interest @dunc @adam_dennett?
@timwaterman @jonathankendall @kimonkrenz
Hold on tight then...
Hello @bartlett - trying to create a #Bartlett group for us
This place seems an awful lot more friendly than (ahem) the place with the bird...
I specialise in #UrbanDesign and large, complex projects, working in fascinating places in the UK and internationally. I'm a partner at #FletcherPriest and teach and research at #Bartlett #UCL.
Particularly interested in #interdisciplinary practice - but also here for random excursions into #technology #design #politics and #economics (and football for light relief...)
#economics #politics #design #technology #interdisciplinary #ucl #Bartlett #fletcherpriest #urbandesign #introduction
@timwaterman @jonathankendall @kimonkrenz
Hmmm, possibly, although I'm very happy with my instance and community right now. But how about a #Bartlett group? See here: https://a.gup.pe/
It sounds too good to be true. Shall I be brave and try? 🤪
#Introduction I'm a spatial data scientist and part of the #SpaceSyntax Lab at the #Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
I'm interested in quantifying and analysing the built environment to study how space shapes human behaviour. Currently focused on the intersections of the #BuiltEnvironment with #Health and #WellBeing.
I love open-source tools #R, #PostGIS, and #QGIS.
I also organise the online space syntax lab seminars #SSLS, so watch out for announcements!
#Introduction #SpaceSyntax #Bartlett #BuiltEnvironment #Health #wellbeing #r #postgis #qgis #SSLS
Slowly the #Bartlett #Architecture community is rolling in. Yay! Welcome @timwaterman @jonathankendall @kimonkrenz
#Introduction: Hi! I'm Professor of #Landscape #Theory at the #Bartlett School of #Architecture (#BartlettArch) and Chair of the #LandscapeResearch Group (#LRG). My work spans across #history, #geography, & #sociology to study #imaginaries -- #utopia, #politics, #food, #taste, #power, #place, & #democracy. I have a few recent books from #Routledge and #Bloomsbury, including Landscape Citizenships & The Landscape of Utopia. I also write about #London and live in #Fitzrovia
#Fitzrovia #london #bloomsbury #Routledge #democracy #place #power #taste #food #politics #utopia #imaginaries #sociology #geography #history #LRG #landscaperesearch #bartlettarch #architecture #Bartlett #theory #landscape #introduction
RT @Future_Cities: My - hopefully balanced - article on the madness of finding "toxic" relationships everywhere.
RT @BDonline: A high profile group of architects and academics have expressed solidarity with staff at the scandal-hit #Bartlett, describing @ucl's investigation as "Kafkaesque" and accusing the university of setting off a "witch hunt" by students. @BartlettArchUCL
RT @Future_Cities: Trigger warnings upon trigger warnings upon trigger warnings;
The Orwellian report on the #Bartlett School of #Architecture.