40,000 stone workers in #Bangladesh: machine #owners ignore us when we demand #FairWages
Earnings insufficient to provide for families, contribute to children's #education, meet other #BasicNeeds. On days when work is stopped, they have to starve or borrow from others.
#Capitalism #Exploitation #Unionize #Unionise #ClassWar #wages #WageSlavery
#Bangladesh #owners #fairwages #education #BasicNeeds #capitalism #exploitation #unionize #unionise #classwar #wages #wageslavery
The kids get it. Hopefully, they will continue to do so. 🤞🏽
#progressive #socialism #BasicNeeds #lgbtqia
#progressive #socialism #BasicNeeds #lgbtqia - a free web game that shows through gameplay how the lack of #BasicNeeds directly impacts the chances of a family to survive in a rural environment in a "3rd world country".
10-20 min session
#SocialJusticeInGames #SocialJustice #poverty #education #health #ChildLabor #games
#BasicNeeds #socialjusticeingames #socialjustice #poverty #education #health #childlabor #games - a free web game that shows through gameplay how the lack of #BasicNeeds directly impacts the chances of a family to survive in a rural environment in a "3rd world country".
10-20 min session
#SocialJusticeInGames #SocialJustice #poverty #education #health #ChildLabor
#BasicNeeds #socialjusticeingames #socialjustice #poverty #education #health #childlabor - a free web game that shows through gameplay how the lack of #BasicNeeds directly impacts the chances of a family to survive in a rural environment in a "3rd world country".
10-20 min session
#SocialJusticeInGames #SocialJustice #poverty #education #health #ChildLabor
#BasicNeeds #socialjusticeingames #socialjustice #poverty #education #health #childlabor - shows through gameplay how the lack of #BasicNeeds directly impacts the chances of a family to survive in a rural environment in a "3rd world country".
10-20 min session
#SocialJusticeInGames #SocialJustice #poverty #education #health #ChildLabor
#BasicNeeds #socialjusticeingames #socialjustice #poverty #education #health #childlabor
#VelmasHouse - #IndigenousLed #SafeSpace for #women & #GenderDiverse people #AtRisk of #violence & #exploitation , will get over $1.5 million in new #funding #provincial #government announced Thursday.
Operating funds for the #KaNiKanichihk facility, which provides access to #BasicNeeds such as #shelter , #meals & #HygieneSupplies, were announced on #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay
Velma's House opened in 2021 - it operates #24/7 in #Winnipeg #Manitoba
#velmashouse #indigenousled #safespace #women #genderdiverse #atrisk #violence #exploitation #funding #provincial #government #kanikanichihk #BasicNeeds #shelter #meals #hygienesupplies #humantraffickingawarenessday #winnipeg #manitoba #indigenous
Pragmatic & useful article: why's uptake so sluggish? #heatpump #BasicNeeds
"But if it is, in fact, the case that we do live in a meritocracy, and that all the best people are in all the top jobs, then why, one might ask, is the country such an unmitigated bin fire?"
🔥🔥🔥 talk by Darren McGarvey on 'Freedom from Want':
#liberty #inequality #BasicNeeds
#BasicNeeds in #HigherEd in today's NYT. We need many more programs like this, especially in the #SFBayArea with our high cost of living and lack of affordable housing.
A New Lifeline for the Unseen: Homeless College Students
#BasicNeeds #highered #sfbayarea
RT @MarysiaZapasnik: I've mentioned before, but worth repeating:
In bomb shelters, without electricity and without heating......our @RESCUEorg teams continue their critical humanitarian work, as do our local partners and other humanitarian actors in #Ukraine.
#Protection #Cash #Health #BasicNeeds
#Ukraine #protection #cash #health #BasicNeeds
Looking forward to co-presenting Equity Gaps and Students Basic Needs: A Call to Social Work Educators with colleagues Rashida Crutchfield, Jen Maguire, and Kathi Trawver! Check out our talk at 10:45 am PST in Catalina 1. #APM2022 #SocialWork #BasicNeeds #StudentSuccess #HigherEd
#APM2022 #socialwork #BasicNeeds #studentsuccess #highered
Happy Sunday! Intro with more hashtags to help connect with others. I'm a Professor & Dept Chair in #SocialWork and Co-Director of the new Center for #DisabilityJustice Research: #HealthEquity, #Education, and Creativity at Cal State East Bay. My research interests include disability advocacy, #StudentSuccess, #BasicNeeds, and #MentalHeath.
Other descriptors/interests:
#socialwork #DisabilityJustice #healthequity #education #studentsuccess #BasicNeeds #MentalHeath #vegetarian #naturelover #FirstGen #queer #neurodivergent #booklover #sfbayarea #AcademicToot #highered #academicchat
Listening to #BasicNeeds would have a Huge #effect #esntials
Blockchain or just Labels für #RFT #RealFairTrade would be Nice !
Can control directly how much illegal/exploitive workforce and env. Damage was used to produce the product. And the #Tax it.
Learning again to live without excessive, ad and lifestyle based consumption incl. Reduction Non-disposable garbage #consoum . tech to support/ finance high #transparency projects/trade would be helpful
#transparency #consoum #tax #RealFairTrade #rft #esntials #effect #BasicNeeds