Remembering my fun at Puerto Vallarta back in October 2022. At the Studs Bar... We just arrived and I found the outdoor smoking deck. (before i went inside to bate at the back of the bar on the couch) #me #StudsBar #humanpup #HumanDog #bator #BateDog #batebro #exhibitionist
#me #studsbar #humanpup #HumanDog #bator #BateDog #batebro #exhibitionist
One of my "sub kinks" is marking territory, mostly meaning clothing and truck tires. I have a #nastypig #cumhat. It's got many coatings. Always looking for a bate bud to add a fresh coating to it. I often wear it to the bar, helps me separate the #piggy-guys from non-piggy #me #BateDog
#nastypig #cumhat #piggy #me #BateDog
Batedog was crouched on patio of "Studs" bar in mexico. Sniffing balls and butts and rubbing boner. #BateDog #HumanDog #humanpuppy
#BateDog #HumanDog #humanpuppy
#BateDog is being an instigator at the mexican bar "Studs". Think I got the ball rolling so other men could feel safe and enjoy each other in a safe space. #outreach #SexualHealth #BateBuddy
#BateDog #outreach #SexualHealth #BateBuddy
Being a good dog at the beach in Puerto Vallarta with my husband. #LeatherDog #Neoprene #mexico #pup #BateDog
#LeatherDog #neoprene #mexico #pup #BateDog