We hashtagged a lot in 2019, but aside from that little else has changed.

The continues its "", as so eloquently described by the late . The intersection between the and fascism remains, and is possibly more corrupt today than in 2019.

#constructionCartel #BatshitConstruction #davidgraeber #constructionIndustry #corruption #australia #infrastructurenooneaskedfor

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server mstdn.jp
bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server mstdn.jp

From to
> The reasons for engaging in batshit work are far from irrational: such jobs provide an income, and often an identity and a sense that one is contributing to society. All this can make organizing batshit workers exceedingly difficult.


#labor #BueRübnerHansen #BatshitConstruction #bullshitjobs

Last updated 3 years ago

The late had a thing to say about , and .

See (his words) .

Most at the top in the are by definition, and , and the cronyism trickles down to the workers themselves but they (mostly) don't see the fascism — the melding of govt and big .

They think they're communities because that is the of their and masters.

#davidgraeber #propertyDevelopers #landSpeculators #BatshitConstruction #constructionIndustry #fascist #cronyist #privateequity #building #rhetoric #ceo #corporateState #indoctrination

Last updated 3 years ago

Nooo! Is really dead or is this cruel joke. He had so much life to live, still.

His work on and is one favourite of ours.

Please tell us this is untrue. :(

#davidgraeber #BatshitConstruction #gentrification

Last updated 4 years ago

We just discovered a series called , hosted by the man who made the film, .

This episode is titled . It could have been based on given the disastrously faulty here, as dangerous pop up like .

(js needed: rt.com, soundcloud.com, sndcdn.com)

#RenegadeInc #bigFinance #FourHorsemanOfTheApocalypse #BatshitConstruction #australia #construction #highrise #slums #meerkats

Last updated 5 years ago