A good read on what happened when the Ottawa residents had enough of the convoy.
It's a particularly worth reading for understanding what happens when racialized activists have to deal with shitlibs at actions 😬
(I'd actually recommend that ALL white activists take a read to check in with themselves to make sure they aren't doing ANY of the shit described.)
#Activism #OttawaConvoy #BattleOfBillingsBridge #Ottawa #onpoli #OttawaPolice #RespectabilityPolitics #FuckShitlibs
#activism #OttawaConvoy #BattleOfBillingsBridge #ottawa #onpoli #ottawapolice #RespectabilityPolitics #fuckshitlibs
Huh, I just learned about the #battleofbillingsbridge which took place near the end of the convoy protest in Ottawa last winter: https://breachmedia.ca/the-battle-of-billings-bridge/ I heard about a blockade taking place, but didn't realize how radical it was. Probably some good ideas there for us!