Und ja, man sieht es ist ein Klon weil sauviele der Maps sind effektiv aus #Battlefield Bad Company 2, #Battlefield3 und #Battlefield4 kopiert...
#Battlefield4 #battlefield3 #Battlefield
First Impression: Battlefield 4 (Playstation 3)
This is the 110th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing Battlefield 4 for the first time.
Welcome to the 110th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the Playstation 3 game, Battlefield 4 for the first time. You
#Podcast #Battlefield4 #firstimpressionvideo #FPS #game #gaming #Playstation3 #PS3
#ps3 #playstation3 #gaming #game #fps #firstimpressionvideo #Battlefield4 #podcast
✅ Campanya de #BattleField4 finalitzada
#GeforceNow #cloudgaming #Gaming #Battlefield4
Ultimate Audio Bang #09: our favourite heroes in shooters - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/7Sqk26kQMPQ/ultimate-audio-bang-009-our-favourite-heroes-in-shooters #TomClancy'sRainbowSixExtraction #CallofDuty:Warzone #UltimateAudioBang #Battlefield2042 #Battlefield4 #ApexLegends #Overwatch #Valorant #Shooter #PUBG #FPS
#TomClancy #callofduty #UltimateAudioBang #BATTLEFIELD2042 #Battlefield4 #apexlegends #overwatch #Valorant #shooter #pubg #fps
Battlefield 2042's announcement octupled Battlefield 4's player count - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Kz6bW3_m-jE/battlefield-2042s-announcement-octupled-battlefield-4 #Battlefield2042 #Battlefield4 #Blockbuster #EADICE
#BATTLEFIELD2042 #Battlefield4 #blockbuster #eadice
I got #Battlefield4 to work on Linux using Lutris for help the other day. It wasn't a smooth operation, but I eventually got it all working without getting kicked from servers and had good performance. Should be fun to have a romp and play it for a little bit this weekend.
Sieh dir die Schönheit von Battlefield 4 und der Levolution in Slow Motion an. (2014)
#youtube #games #gaming #battlefield #bf4 #battlefield4 #levolution #slowmotion
#slowmotion #levolution #Battlefield4 #bf4 #Battlefield #Gaming #Games #YouTube