Hier fahren gerade lauter #Traktoren durch die Gegend. #Baywa hat Tag der offenen Tür...
Another 70 MW of floating solar goes online in the Netherlands
BayWa re commissioned two floating PV facilities which it claims are t...
Article Source: https://www.pv-magazine.com/2021/07/19/another-70-mw-of-floating-solar-goes-online-in-the-netherlands/
#utility, #r.e., #floating, #solar, #pv, #baywa, #scale
#scale #Baywa #pv #solar #floating #r #utility
Up to €7 billion investment could be needed to reach 20GW of solar module manufacturing capacity in Europe
Europe’s solar technology specialists may need up to €7 billion (US$8....
Article Source: https://www.pv-tech.org/up-to-e7-billion-investment-could-be-needed-to-reach-20gw-of-solar-module-manufacturing-capacity-in-europe/
#solar, #news, #european, #commission, #r.e., #esg, #europe, #baywa
#Baywa #europe #ESG #r #commission #european #news #solar