Soph picked me up a copy of #IbramXKendi's #BeAntiRacist, I have never been big on #journaling (or writing in books generally...) but going to try and force myself into a routine for this :/ may need an #accountabilabuddy :p #reading
#IbramXKendi #BeAntiRacist #journaling #accountabilabuddy #reading
Why I like #Portsmouth, #NH
Signs for #BeAntiRacist, Nazi Punks Fuck Off, info on Plan B and "Hate is UNwelcome here"
#portsmouth #nh #BeAntiRacist #nhpolitics
Jordan Neely was lynched: We must resist the #whitesupremacist narratives that blame #JordanNeely and absolve #whitevigilantism and the systemic violence and #systemicracism of the state
#lynching #PlantationNation #blacklivesmatter #TellTheTruth #BeAntiracist #antiracism
#whitesupremacist #jordanneely #whitevigilantism #systemicracism #lynching #plantationnation #blacklivesmatter #tellthetruth #BeAntiRacist #antiracism