My poll has determined that most printing out banger toots to staple and wheatpaste around town is most certainly cool, and also probably #distroism, at least according to those of you who bothered to vote #BeCounted #democracyLMAOnah #MakeYourVoiceHeard
***I am now accepting nominations for banger toots.*** Banger toots should ideally serve some kind of a poli ed purpose for people likely to read weird shit stapled to telephone polls. I will also consider banger toots which are not political, but which make me lmao (a mere lol will not be considered). You may nominate your own toot if you desire.
Thank you for your service to beautifying, educating, and shitposting my neighborhood.
#MakeYourVoiceHeard #democracyLMAOnah #BeCounted #distroism
The #AgCensus is coming! #BeCounted! #farm #farmers #farming #ranch #ranching #agriculture #USDA #farmpolicy #FarmBill
#farmbill #farmpolicy #usda #agriculture #ranching #ranch #farming #farmers #farm #BeCounted #agcensus
The #AgCensus is coming! #BeCounted! #farm #farmers #farming #ranch #ranching #agriculture #USDA #farmpolicy #FarmBill
#agcensus #BeCounted #farm #farmers #farming #ranch #ranching #agriculture #usda #FarmPolicy #farmbill
RT @violadavis
The last day to fill out the 2020 Census is October 5. #BeCounted because undercounted means underfunded and underrepresented. Go to to fill it out now, and learn more about Census education on @NAACP_LDF’s page.