It's #FungiFriday on a long weekend!
Which I imagine the #mushrooms care very little about.
#Weekend #Life #Forest #BeHereNow #mushrooms #FungiFriday
Play loud.
Coming in a mess going out in style
I ain't good-looking but I'm someone's child
No one can give me the air that's mine to breathe
#BeHereNow #NowPlaying #britpop #oasis
“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.”
—James Thurber
#jamesthurber #quote #mindfulness #BeHereNow
Today is a fine day to listen to Oasis.
#BeHereNow #NowPlaying #oasis #britpop
Maybe we’d be less sick of each season if we stopped celebrating them two months in advance.
#BeHereNow #mindful #present #mindfulnesspractice
“Caretake this moment.
Immerse yourself in its particulars.
Respond to this person, this challenge, this deed."
#Epictetus #stoic #stoicism #philosophy #lifestyle #LifeAdvice #BeHereNow
#epictetus #stoic #stoicism #philosophy #lifestyle #LifeAdvice #BeHereNow
If your toots look like this
You'll be muted
Fa La La La La
La La La La
#christmascarol #BeHereNow #Twitter
morning after the storm…
#AtlanticOcean #NorEaster #surfing #clouds #ocean #BeHereNow
#atlanticocean #noreaster #surfing #clouds #ocean #BeHereNow
i am here right now…a surfer searches a wave…
#AtlanticOcean #BeHereNow #oceans #AlmostWinter #surfers #waves #payingattention
#atlanticocean #BeHereNow #oceans #almostwinter #surfers #waves #payingattention
@mike @GwynMoxham Agreed. But also worth remembering, whether you’re 4, 24, or 40 - you could already be middle aged. Just #BeHereNow
“Research suggests that boredom can arise for a handful of reasons, and that figuring out the root cause can help us make better choices in how we spend our time — or at least rejigger our experiences so they are more rewarding.”
#news #psychology #journalism #mindfulness #meaning #selfcare #mentalhealth #wellness #wellbeing #BeHereNow
#BeHereNow #wellbeing #wellness #mentalhealth #SelfCare #meaning #mindfulness #journalism #psychology #News
Love everyone
and tell the truth
the truth is
you don't love everyone
sometimes it's true
you don't love yourself
maybe often
but behind all that
there is no them
there's only us
and behind that
there's only love
don't wail or worship
at the gate
go into the inner temple
Love everyone,
and tell the truth.
#MondayMeditation #Monday #Meditation #Mindfulness #insight #devotion #intention #reflection #prayer #RamDass #BeHereNow #mentalhealth #wellness #wellbeing #love #rest #remember
#remember #rest #love #wellbeing #wellness #mentalhealth #BeHereNow #RamDass #prayer #reflection #intention #devotion #insight #mindfulness #meditation #Monday #mondaymeditation
Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert; April 6, 1931 – December 22, 2019), also known as Baba Ram Dass, was an American spiritual teacher, guru of modern yoga, psychologist, and author. His best-selling 1971 book Be Here Now, which has been described by multiple reviewers as "seminal", helped popularize Eastern spirituality and yoga in the West.
#spirituality #yoga #BeHereNow #BabaRamDass #RamDass
Pasado el primer lustro de la década del 90´ el agotamiento del grunge era un hecho prácticamente consumado. La contraparte de esa caída llegaba del otro lado del Atlántico: el britpop. El 21 de agosto del año 1997, la banda emblema de ese género, Oasis, se encontraba en el pináculo de su carrera y ponía en la calle su tercer álbum: #BeHereNow. Un buen trabajo que tiene dos dificultades, superar a sus exitosos predecesores “Definitely Maybe” y “Morning Glory”. Una vara muy elevada y la presión por superarla, fueron elementos suficientes para que las comparaciones hicieran el feo trabajo de jugar en su contra mientras lentamente también llegaba el declive del movimiento británico...