#money #finance #theft #crime #cybersecurity #beware #community #benice #niceadvice #powersforgood
Doesn’t look exactly like the greedy jerk that stole money directly from our checking account, but you get the idea. Check your account closely AND weekly. 6 ACH Transfers totaling about $2k, all listed as Comcast and hit in three weeks!! If I had followed what I learned from, #NewMoneyHabits I would’ve caught it MUCH sooner. Credit union got it all back.
Raising awareness not soliciting pity.💜
#money #finance #theft #crime #cybersecurity #beware #community #BeNice #niceadvice #powersforgood #newmoneyhabits
@MrLee not too hard to do, right? And I just figured out you are in Australia, so you probably don’t know where Modesto is 😂 it is east of the San Francisco Bay Area in California #Geograhy #LearnSomethingNewEveryDay #BeNice
#geograhy #learnsomethingneweveryday #BeNice
New: Revised Hashtag Intro.
Click here 🧠 to expand.
The Proverbial list Evolved:
:solidarity: #DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #EndAbleism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #DisabilityAdvocacy #passionate #DisabledVoicesUnite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity
#ConcussionAwareness #TBI #ABI #AnoxicBrainInjury #BrainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #LimbDifference #ActuallyAutisic #OrthopedicDisabilities #SticksAndStones #BrokenBones #NaturesPharmaceutical #DisabilityAcceptance #EndAbleistHateCrime #StopAbleistSlurs #DisabilityEconomicJustice #CripTheVote #DisabilityLobby #HumanInterest #NonPartisan #research #Education #Knowledge
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall
Behind and beside in :solidarity: : #CivilRights #MentalHealth #EndRacism #EndBigotry #LandBack #gratitude Kahnawá:ke #LGBTQIA #BLM #WomenRights #EqualPay #StopViolence #StopAsianHate #POC #EndBigotry for #everyone
#BeYou #BeNice
#UnityConquers #TearDownTheWall :solidarity: !!
Un peu de moi?
Je ne parle pas couramment Français. I like using #HastagsNobodyWillEverSearch
#FilmMaking #Writing #poetry
Ex-#musician #Songwriter Passé
💐⚘🌺🏵 #GardenCreator extraordinaire. #FlowerGardens
Et Bien plus encore
Original profile is informational only.
New posts and communication will originate from § Voice and § Deux: @OutOfExile_IDR@neurodifferent.me
The character count affords me accommodation.
🙏, ✌️, 💛, :solidarity: #accommodation for "👥🫂👤" with #InvisibleDisabilities
Just like many of us, this list is incomplete and still evolving.
Don't forget the ALT text.
#DisabilitySolidarity #DisabledCommunity #endableism #InvisibleDisabilityRights #StopAbleistHate #disabilityadvocacy #passionate #disabledvoicesunite #CrossDisabilitySupport #inclusion #ListeningEar #Here4All #NeurodivergentThinking #neurodiversity #ConcussionAwareness #TBI #abi #AnoxicBrainInjury #brainInjury #SpineInjury #fibromyalgia #limbdifference #actuallyautisic #orthopedicdisabilities #sticksandstones #brokenbones #naturespharmaceutical #disabilityacceptance #endableisthatecrime #stopableistslurs #disabilityeconomicjustice #cripthevote #DisabilityLobby #humaninterest #nonpartisan #research #education #knowledge #unityconquers #teardownthewall #civilrights #mentalhealth #endracism #endbigotry #landback #gratitude #lgbtqia #blm #womenrights #equalpay #stopviolence #StopAsianHate #poc #everyone #beyou #BeNice #hastagsnobodywilleversearch #filmmaking #writing #poetry #musician #songwriter #gardencreator #flowergardens #accommodation #invisibledisabilities
Here are some non-conformist thoughts today...
You don't have to eat turkey today; you can avoid all animal products.
You don't have to be a glutton today.
You can share your excesses with the poor.
You can elect to be kind and respectful to everyone.
Peace ✌️
#BeNice #nonconformist #veganlifestyle #vegan
Knock knock. Hey there…I like you new place….but I don’t know anyone here 😢. I follow back 🤗. #gay #bayarea #california #PeaceAndLove #BeNice
#gay #bayarea #california #PeaceAndLove #BeNice
Today is #SocialMediaKindnessDay set up in honour of the former TV presenter Caroline Flack
(Picture taken from our local #MentalHealth Trust, the SWLSTG)
#mentalhealth #BeNice #socialmediakindnessday
Trying out this #introduction thing. Hi! Fiftysomething, stay-at home dad for kid with #Downs and kid with severe #anxiety. Hev into learning #japaneselanguage. Luv #Japanesegardens. Big on #RaisedBed gardens. Ridiculously long unabridged #audiobooks enthusiast (recent fav: “The Power Broker” by #robertcaro; adored tangents in #LesMiserables; mult voyages thru #aubreymaturin; etc). Moderate #socialanxiety. Trump despiser since 1985. Owner of high energy #australianshepherd. Mantra: #BeNice.
#introduction #Downs #anxiety #japaneselanguage #Japanesegardens #RaisedBed #audiobooks #robertcaro #LesMiserables #aubreymaturin #socialanxiety #australianshepherd #BeNice
Continuing yesterday's kuwento, here was my #BigFail:
I needed to make a left.
As you can see, I'd have to cross 4 lanes to get from the #bike lane to the innermost lane to make the turn.
Couldn't do it. Not with the way the motorists were driving. 😐
It'd be foolish to insist on switching lanes and expect them to yield. That's what many people do. It's not brave. It's dumb. And disrespectful -- if they won't let you thru, don't go looking for trouble. #BeNice #SafetyFirst #BetterSafeThanDead
#BigFail #bike #BeNice #SafetyFirst #BetterSafeThanDead