RT @DavidRoweWTL@twitter.com
Wearing a mask is a sign of respect, for those around, not a sign of fear or compliance.
By respecting others, we also respect ourselves. #BeRespectful, afterall it costs you nothing.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DavidRoweWTL/status/1605489111753560064
@socketuning @heiseonline Yes true, although Apple is the main customer of Foxconn, there are also other customers...
It will be indeed a good idea to also #boycott the other companies, but let's start with Apple, it will send a good (citizen) signal to others.
Let's hold companies accountable!
We get the world we want according to our consumption.
#HoldAccountable #consumption #BigTech #Menschenrechte
#HumanRights #change #BeRespectful #Respect #solidarity #Konsum #ModernSlavery
#ModernSlavery #konsum #solidarity #Respect #BeRespectful #change #humanrights #menschenrechte #bigtech #consumption #HoldAccountable #boycott