RT @FYI_Change: Are you a young person or participation worker interested in youth voice?
More information below regarding our very first in-person event
24/11/2022 @ 4:30 in Cardiff Central Library
Hope to see you there!
#youthvoice #participation #BeSeenBeHeard #PowerofYouth
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JackieJonesWal1/status/1589616450758905856
#youthvoice #participation #BeSeenBeHeard #PowerofYouth
Delighted to welcome Padraic, Trish & their assistants from @LeaderCare to the @europarl_en this morning.
They are committed disability activists with the @ENIL_EU Freedom Drive movement & want to ensure we, as policymakers listen to their voices!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DeirdreCluneMEP/status/1574696207930490880
Mladí lidé jsou prý „apatičtí“ a „nemají zájem o politiku“. Když upozorní na nějaký problém, třeba na klimatickou změnu, jsou za aktivisty. Má to dobré řešení? #beseenbeheard 1/3
RT @UNYouthEnvoy: What does it mean to #BeSeenBeHeard? 🤔
It means getting an equal say in your future!
This #YouthDay, join me in advocating for a future that recognizes young people's political participation as a driving force for positive change 👏 https://beseenbeheardcampaign.com/
Great to meet representatives from @TheBodyShop @bycLIVE today
Young people have the energy, knowledge & creativity to help tackle some of the world's biggest problems - so they deserve an equal say in their future
We need #Votesat16
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1549806053457526784
RT @UNHumanRightsEU: The #BeSeenBeHeard campaign helps ensure #youth voices 🗣️ are meaningfully heard within public life. We support their efforts to promote #policy & legislation change.
Learn more💻https://beseenbeheardcampaign.com/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1526840790739488768