RT Copernicus Marine
Our oceans are choking on #Plastic 🥤
The consequences of plastic waste are profound and impact:
🐟Marine Life
👩⚕️Human Health
🏖️Economic Sectors
Our #CopernicusMarine Service is dedicated to #BeatPlasticPollution and strives to protect #OurOcean 🌊
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CMEMS_EU/status/1689583331455762432
#plastic #CopernicusMarine #BeatPlasticPollution #OurOcean
RT ipbes
Negative impacts on the planet & people are becoming more profound as exposure to plastic pollutants intensifies.🌏
—@IPBES #GlobalAssessment
⏳Let's #BeatPlasticPollution to protect #biodiversity, people and the planet - this global problem must be tackled.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IPBES/status/1686636952026808321
#GlobalAssessment #BeatPlasticPollution #biodiversity
Ένα εκατομμύριο πλαστικά μπουκάλια χρησιμοποιούνται κάθε λεπτό.
Και τα πλαστικά που χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο για λεπτά μπορούν να διαρκέσουν εκατοντάδες χρόνια, διάσπαρτα παντού.
Πρέπει να επανεξετάσουμε & να αλλάξουμε τον τρόπο παραγωγής, κατανάλωσης και απόρριψης των πλαστικών.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
UN Development: A million plastic bottles are used every minute.
And plastics that are used only for minutes can last for hundreds of years, scattered everywhere.
We need to rethink & change the way we produce, consume, & dispose of plastics to #BeatPlasticPollution. https://www.undp.org/blog/call-lifestyle-change-end-plastic-pollution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1686389924520734720
🌊Oceans, one of our most precious resources, are under threat.
What are we doing to protect them and #BeatPlasticPollution?
Find our answers in the EIB Group Sustainability Report 2022➡️http://bit.ly/44qysIA https://t.co/Yspaxq7XBT
We’ve joined the global fight to keep our oceans clean and #BeatPlasticPollution.
With @EIB, @afd_france, @kfw_int, @gruppocdp, @icogob.
#EIBMED https://t.co/tIj6WwGxZt
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EBRDgreen/status/1678387728310837248
#BeatPlasticPollution #CleanOceansInitiative #EIBMED
What does 'blue economy' mean?
It involves all economic activities related to our oceans, seas & coasts and promotes their sustainable use.
We are committed to protecting our oceans, boosting the blue economy & stepping up efforts to #BeatPlasticPollution🌊http://bit.ly/46dp4Ke https://t.co/W2DUBXoAO1
Tell us what you think Kenya’s leaders should do to tackle the #climatecrisis. #GenerationGreen must lead the way. Michelle Kendi wants everyone to join in cleanups. Listen to her ideas https://rb.gy/63sfs
#EUGreenDeal #GenerationGreen #Beatplasticpollution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinKenya/status/1674422244368584706
#ClimateCrisis #GenerationGreen #EUGreenDeal #BeatPlasticPollution
RT Rwanda Environment Management Authority
Today, @REMA_Rwanda's Deputy DG, Mr @FaustinMUNYAZIK joined a panel discussion at #EURWBusinessForum to discuss sustainable packaging and logistics in Agribusiness
He called business community to invest in the alternative packaging to #BeatPlasticPollution.
#GreenRwanda🇷🇼🌿 https://t.co/Byu9qx6Pn1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/REMA_Rwanda/status/1673750831236018177
#EURWBusinessForum #BeatPlasticPollution #GreenRwanda
RT @UNWTO: Join the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative if you're ready to:
♻️Redesign systems to prevent plastic waste.
♻️Push for a global agreement to #BeatPlasticPollution.
♻️Innovate to eliminate, reduce, reuse & recycle.
Shape a healthier planet: https://www.unwto.org/sustainable-development/global-tourism-plastics-initiative https://t.co/FeaJHYbedg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1668632966401265668
RT @CMEMS_EU: #DYK our #CopernicusMarine Service promotes awareness about plastic waste by providing data & knowledge❓
The #EUGreenDeal aims to reduce ocean plastic pollution by 5⃣0⃣% by 2050
Join us in our efforts to #BeatPlasticPollution and work together towards a cleaner future🌊 https://t.co/wtxLwVmGix
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1668293020234526726
#DYK #CopernicusMarine #EUGreenDeal #BeatPlasticPollution
Plasty sú dobrý sluha, ale zlý pán.
RT @antonioguterres: Thousands of chemicals are used in plastics, many of them harmful to our health.
To protect people & the planet, we must address this problem.
An ambitious global plastics treaty is our best bet to #BeatPlasticPollution.
https://www.undp.org/plastics-101 https://t.co/uIpkBYyDk6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1667848514066325504
🇩🇪🇪🇺German company @Wasserdreinull, @EIBINSTITUTE 2021 Social Innovation Tournament finalist, fights to #BeatPlasticPollution through new solutions to detect microplastics & micropollutants in water and turn plastics in easy-to-remove popcorn-shaped lumps➡️http://bit.ly/3ME2UId
أكثر من 400 مليون طن من البلاستيك يتم إنتاجها سنويا، نصفها للاستخدام الواحد. و%10 فقط يتم إعادة تدويرها أما الباقي فمصيره المحيط
في #اليوم_العالمي_للمحيطات، نستعيد أجواء قافلة 🇪🇺 #Climtna بشاطئ تمارة التي مكنت من جمع 600 كلغ من النفايات.
#WorldOceansDay #BeatPlasticPollution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UE_au_Maroc/status/1666852625025839113
#اليوم_العالمي_للمحيطات #Climtna #WorldOceansDay #BeatPlasticPollution
🌊On #WorldOceanDay, we recall our commitment to ocean conservation.🐟Today the EU ratified the @WTO agreement against harmful fisheries subsidies. Let’s work to conserve 30% of oceans through protected areas by 2030 & deliver on the Treaty to #BeatPlasticPollution in the oceans!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1666840227833430016
#WorldOceanDay #BeatPlasticPollution
🌊🌍Our ocean provides 50% of Earth oxygen and is home to countless species and rich biodiversity. The ocean regulates climate and we need to protect 30% of sea by 2030. Let's protect our ocean and change our future together!
#WorldOceansDay #BeatPlasticPollution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDelegationTur/status/1666714352768937985
#WorldOceansDay #BeatPlasticPollution
RT @eudelegationtur: 🌊🌍Our ocean provides 50% of Earth oxygen and is home to countless species and rich biodiversity. The ocean regulates climate and we need to protect 30% of sea by 2030. Let's protect our ocean and change our future together!
#WorldOceansDay #BeatPlasticPollution https://t.co/BlXffQGfuR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1666714959475093505
#WorldOceansDay #BeatPlasticPollution
This #WorldOceanDay, discover the two pillars of our Clean and Sustainable Ocean programme:
🌊the Clean Oceans initiative, supporting global projects that #BeatPlasticPollution;
🌊the Blue Sustainable Ocean Strategy, boosting a sustainable #BlueEconomy➡️http://bit.ly/EIB4OCEANS
#WorldOceanDay #BeatPlasticPollution #BlueEconomy
A person who eats seafood swallows 11000 pieces of microplastics a year.
Unsurprisingly, most🇪🇺citizens worry about plastic's impact on their health & the environment.
Learn how we help reduce micropollutants & microplastics in water https://bit.ly/43iC8Mv
RT @ECOS_Standard: Believe it or not, #FastFashion leads the #microplastic pollution trend!
After #WorldEnvironmentDay, we support our colleagues from @surfridereurope & their exhibition on microplastic pollution at @europarl_en.
How to #BeatPlasticPollution?
https://ecostandard.org/publications/ecos-factsheet-microplastic-pollution-the-new-runway-trend-for-season-2023-2050/ https://t.co/xvAqaO7ae1
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/spietikainen/status/1666337383829127173
#fastfashion #Microplastic #WorldEnvironmentDay #BeatPlasticPollution
I går markerte vi #WorldEnvironmentalDay 💚 I år er fokuset løsninger på plastforurensning med kampanjen #BeatPlasticPollution ♻️🇪🇺
RT @EU_ENV: There’s more than one way to #BeatPlasticPollution
In the EU, we have taken action to:
🥤 Tackle single use plastics
📦 Reduce packaging waste
♻️ Make products more repairable, recyclable & reusable
On this #WorldEnvironmentDay, learn how we can all act to end #PlasticPollution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUiNorge/status/1666010444786532358
#WorldEnvironmentalDay #BeatPlasticPollution #WorldEnvironmentDay #plasticpollution