RT @laernoes: #Shell #BP #Total… ne laissons pas ces gros pollueurs continuer à détruire notre planète et à violer les droits humains.
Soutenons @milieudefensie ✊ pour vaincre Shell et confirmer le verdict de l’affaire #climat aux Pays-Bas 🇳🇱 #BeatShell #justice
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marietouss1/status/1616352542450925569
#Shell #BP #Total #climat #BeatShell #justice
Des milliers de néerlandais ont fait condamner le giga pétrolier #Shell en justice pour le #climat!
Oui mais Shell fait appel, évidemment 😅 et @milieudefensie a besoin de nous ! #BeatShell #justice
👉 participez & partagez : http://bit.ly/Beat-SHELL
RT @milieudefensie: Nous avons battu @Shell dans un procès historique en 2021. Mais Shell se décharge de toute responsabilité et conteste le jugement.
Voici notre message au nouveau PDG, Wael Sawan: Fera-t-il le néces…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marietouss1/status/1616050145057017856
#Shell #climat #BeatShell #justice
RT @milieudefensie: In 2021, the Dutch court ordered @Shell to adjust its corporate policy and stop causing climate change.
But now, Shell is appealing the verdict.
Help us beat Shell again.
Share this video and donate ➡️ https://en.milieudefensie.nl/climate-case-shell/our-climate-case-against-shell?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=organic-post&utm_campaign=klimaatzaakshell&act_source=twitter&act_medium=social&act_campaign=klimaatzaakshell&act_content=organic-post
#MessageForShell #AWordWithWael #BeatShell
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ParHolmgren/status/1615669238332522499
#MessageForShell #AWordWithWael #BeatShell
RT @milieudefensie: In 2021, the Dutch court ordered @Shell to adjust its corporate policy and stop causing climate change.
But now, Shell is appealing the verdict.
Help us beat Shell again.
Share this video and donate ➡️ https://en.milieudefensie.nl/climate-case-shell/our-climate-case-against-shell?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=organic-post&utm_campaign=klimaatzaakshell&act_source=twitter&act_medium=social&act_campaign=klimaatzaakshell&act_content=organic-post
#MessageForShell #AWordWithWael #BeatShell
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanAlbrecht/status/1615683347673649152
#MessageForShell #AWordWithWael #BeatShell
Super-wealthy fossil fuel giants like @Shell are climate criminals, destroying our planet & escaping with vast profits. It doesn't have to be this way - if we lock out fossil fuels for good, we can secure a liveable future for all. The ball's in your court, Mr Sawan #BeatShell
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1615647207826268162