RT @Leicester_News: During the #UKHeatwave in Leicester, here’s some top tips to keep cool
☀️ Find the shade and wear sunscreen
☀️ Avoid open water swimming,
☀️ Drink plenty of water
☀️ Walk pets at cooler times of the day
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Rory_Palmer/status/1549305749083488256
RT @ENBEL_H2020: 🌡️Extreme #heat is a key #climatechange health risk. #Heatwaves affects everyone, but some people are more vulnerable & at higher risk. Many of the research projects in #ENBELproject work to find out how different vulnerable groups can adapt to increasing heat risk. #BeatTheHeat
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TimMcPhieEU/status/1544611450018308100
#heat #ClimateChange #heatwaves #ENBELproject #BeatTheHeat
Bonjour @CroixRouge,
Je trouve que la croix en haut à droite se voit encore un peu trop... ?s=20&t=IGNVFq_1TW9XYN24shgEeQ
RT @CroixRouge: Ensemble, adoptons les bons réflexes afin de se protéger et protéger nos proches pendant la #canicule !
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DominiqueBilde/status/1537382733244137472