Nach drei Tagen Herumgefrickel konnte ich #Kroki ( erfolgreich als #Multi-Arch-Container bauen. Hehe, jetzt habe ich sogar einen Container auf #DockerHub.
Jetzt habe ich einen eigenen Diagrammserver im Keller.
Weil ich es kann!
#Hurra #Kroki #multi #dockerhub #BecauseICan
So this happened to me today. I was walking down a track and ahead on the ground next to a tree was a squirrel. Said squirrel ran across the track to a second tree, up the tree, along a branch, leapt acrobatically across to a branch on the first tree and down to where it started. Why?
#BecauseICan #squirrel #showoff #wildlife #wildlifeuk #jealous
I have just followed this excellent advice on "#verifying" yourself as an #academic with #ORCID. To celebrate, I adorned my name with a fancy :verified: #BecauseICan 😅
#BecauseICan #orcid #academic #verifying