Baby Pickle and the Spaghetti Code
"When Pickle got back to his spaghetti machine, it was bristling with squeezing functions."
#spaghetticode #StoryMath #BedtimeMath #tmwyk #PickleStory
Baby Pickle and the Negative Minus-One-Hundred Function
In which Baby Pickle gets himself into a pickle and then back out again, with the help of some mystery functions.
#PickleStory #tmwyk #BedtimeMath #StoryMath #NegativeM&Ms #FirstClassFunctions
#FirstClassFunctions #negativem #StoryMath #BedtimeMath #tmwyk #PickleStory
Pickle and the Arithmetic Operators
Another Pickle story involving M&Ms, negative M&Ms, and mystery functions as well as the indispensable Boolean Logic Baby Gate.
h/t to Sarah Carter for the Twos Challenge in the picture @mathequalslove
#StoryMath #BedtimeMath #tmwyk #PickleStory
Baby Pickle and the Negative M&Ms
In this bedtime story, Baby Pickle finds out what happens when you put too few M&Ms into a subtraction function.
A fun thing about telling a story orally is that with no illustrations, you can ignore pesky implementation details, like what a function looks like or how a baby monster truck with wheels instead of hands can pick up tiny objects from the floor!
#tmwyk #PickleStory #BedtimeMath #StoryMath
#StoryMath #BedtimeMath #PickleStory #tmwyk
Baby Pickle and the Pickle Jars
My latest mathy bedtime story featuring Pickle, Baby Pickle, the boolean-logic baby gate, a multi-level train track, and five 20-lb. jars of pickles.
#MathStory #tmwyk #Screen-FreeCoding #PickleStory #BedtimeMath
#BedtimeMath #PickleStory #screen #tmwyk #MathStory