Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 24.
Noche Buena, a Christmas Dunkel by Casa Humilde Cerveceria
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
Merry Christmas! Today is the final day of the #BeerAdventCalendar, rounding out the 24 days of Christmas beer with a favorite from Oregon: #pFriemFamilyBrewers Belgian Christmas Ale.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-24-pfriem-belgian-christmas-ale/
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #pfriemfamilybrewers #BeerAdventCalendar
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 23.
Grandpa Got Run Over by a Beaver, an Imperial Stout with Pecans, Cinnamon, Coffee, Vanilla, and Milk Sugar by Lil Beaver Brewery
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
It’s the penultimate day of the #BeerAdventCalendar! It also happens to be my birthday today and so I pick a special beer for the day's selection, one that I want to drink. Hence, today's #AdventBeer is Big Bad Baptist Reserve from #EpicBrewing of Salt Lake City, Utah.
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #epicbrewing #adventbeer #BeerAdventCalendar
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 22.
Burning Hill, a Bamberg-style Rauch Marzen by Soundgrowler Brewing
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
Today’s #BeerAdventCalendar beer pick takes us to France, where outside of Paris the Brasserie de la Vallée de Chevreuse brews its line of #Volcelest beers. The brewery offers two seasonals in addition to its core lineup of nine beers, one for spring and one for #Christmas, of course—Volcelest #BièreDeNoël.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-22-volcelest-biere-de-noel/
#Beer #CraftBeer #AdventCalendar #ChristmasBeer #BiereDeNoel
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #bieredenoel #christmas #volcelest #BeerAdventCalendar
Today’s #BeerAdventCalendar beer pick takes us to France, where outside of Paris the Brasserie de la Vallée de Chevreuse brews its line of #Volcelest beers. The brewery offers two seasonals in addition to its core lineup of nine beers, one for spring and one for #Christmas, of course—Volcelest #BièreDeNoël.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-22-volcelest-biere-de-noel/
#Beer #CraftBeer #AdventCalendar #ChristmasBeer #BiereDeNoel
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #bieredenoel #christmas #volcelest #BeerAdventCalendar
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 21.
We're All Misfits, an X-mas Brown Ale with Holiday Spices by Solemn Oath Brewery
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
Happy #Solstice! Today is the shortest day and longest night of the year, the official first day of winter, and to celebrate, today’s #BeerAdventCalendar is a straight classic: #Scaldis Bush de Noël from #BrasserieDubuisson of Belgium.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-21-scaldis-bush-de-noel/
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #brasseriedubuisson #scaldis #BeerAdventCalendar #solstice
Happy #Solstice! Today is the shortest day and longest night of the year, the official first day of winter, and to celebrate, today’s #BeerAdventCalendar is a straight classic: #Scaldis Bush de Noël from #BrasserieDubuisson of Belgium.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-21-scaldis-bush-de-noel/
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #brasseriedubuisson #scaldis #BeerAdventCalendar #solstice
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 20.
Cozy On Up, a Coffee Porter by Phase Three Brewing
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 19.
Tradition, a Double Hoppy Red Ale by Emancipation Brewing
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 18.
Duffle Coat, an English Mild by Miskatonic Brewing
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
On this day in 1946, the seminal #Christmas film "It’s a Wonderful Life" debuted, telling the story of George Bailey being saved by guardian angel Clarence on Christmas Eve. As a nod to the movie, today’s #BeerAdventCalendar pick is It’s A Wonderful Ale, from New Jersey’s #GlasstownBrewing.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-20-glasstown-brewing-its-a-wonderful-ale/
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #glasstownbrewing #BeerAdventCalendar #christmas
On this day in 1946, the seminal #Christmas film "It’s a Wonderful Life" debuted, telling the story of George Bailey being saved by guardian angel Clarence on Christmas Eve. As a nod to the movie, today’s #BeerAdventCalendar pick is It’s A Wonderful Ale, from New Jersey’s #GlasstownBrewing.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-20-glasstown-brewing-its-a-wonderful-ale/
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #glasstownbrewing #BeerAdventCalendar #christmas
Lodi Tap House Illinois Craft Beer Advent Calendar day 17.
Snow Plowed, a Winter White Ale by Lake Effect Brewing
#IllinoisCraftBeerAdventCalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #CraftBeer
#illinoiscraftbeeradventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #craftbeer
I wanted to support #Ukraine and include a Ukrainian Christmas beer on the #BeerAdventCalendar this year, and after searching online I settled on one from the #LvivBrewery — Lviv Christmas, or #LvivskeRizdvyane in Ukrainian.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-19-lviv-christmas-lvivske-rizdvyane/
#adventcalendar #ChristmasBeer #craftbeer #beer #lvivskerizdvyane #lvivbrewery #BeerAdventCalendar #ukraine
I wanted to support #Ukraine and include a Ukrainian Christmas beer on the #BeerAdventCalendar this year, and after searching online I settled on one from the #LvivBrewery — Lviv Christmas, or #LvivskeRizdvyane in Ukrainian.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-19-lviv-christmas-lvivske-rizdvyane/
#adventcalendar #ChristmasBeer #craftbeer #beer #lvivskerizdvyane #lvivbrewery #BeerAdventCalendar #ukraine
Hanukkah sameach! This evening is the first night of Hanukkah, and to commemorate the holiday, today’s #BeerAdventCalendar pick comes from #CollisionBendBrewing of Cleveland, Ohio. Collision Bend brews an annual #Hanukkah #WinterAle, 8 Crazy Nights, lightly spiced with a touch of apple cider.
#hanukkahbeer #adventcalendar #craftbeer #beer #winterale #hanukkah #collisionbendbrewing #BeerAdventCalendar
December 17 is the start of the ancient Roman midwinter festival #Saturnalia, a celebration that may have influenced traditions associated with #Christmas, so what better day to celebrate an original American Christmas #beer that largely influenced #CraftBeer holiday traditions: #AnchorBrewing #ChristmasAle.
Read more: https://www.thebrewsite.com/advent-beer-calendar-2022-day-17-anchor-christmas-ale/
#ChristmasBeer #adventcalendar #BeerAdventCalendar #christmasale #anchorbrewing #craftbeer #beer #christmas #saturnalia