David Melnikoff presented "Bayesian and Wishful Thinking are Compatible" (a project with Nina Strohminger):
In case that conclusion doesn't follow from the evidence, here's what they're replicating: people felt better than predicted about the prospect of either prosecuting or defending a defendent, no matter which side they were incentivized to defend.
Preprint (pending revision for Nature Human Behavior): https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yhmvw
#xjur #xPhi #law #rationality #cogsci #BehavioralEconomics
#introduction Hi folks, I'm Hakeem, a seasoned #businessanalytics pro with experience at large orgs like #Amazon and #Siemens. My skills and interests coalesce @ #datavisualization, #statisticalanalysis, and #qualitativeresearch.
Legit #datanerd. Excited about these communities and looking forward to knowing new people and learning new things.
Generally, pragmatic, but a sucker for complex problems! Mega into #datainsights, #ML, #dataanalytics & #behavioraleconomics. Tech in search of lab.
#introduction #businessanalytics #amazon #siemens #datavisualization #statisticalanalysis #qualitativeresearch #datanerd #datainsights #ml #DataAnalytics #BehavioralEconomics
Behavioral Science Will Save the World!
A working article on the advancement of society through decision-making and an improved understanding of human behavior. #BehavioralEconomics #BehavioralScience #DecisionMaking https://travs.blog/2021/06/12/behavioral-science-will-save-the-world/
#BehavioralEconomics #behavioralscience #decisionmaking
Time for #Introduction on sigmoid.social - this is where my folks are!
I am an #AI #Systems scientist and build #IntelligentSystems that model, learn about, & collaborate with humans #HumanMachineCollaboration, #HCI.
I believe in #AIForGood - intelligent systems should support our communities in being healthy, resilient, and ever-learning.
I study #CognitiveAI - motivated by insights from #CognitiveScience, #BehavioralEconomics, #Psychology. Basically, OG #AI.
#Introduction #ai #systems #IntelligentSystems #HumanMachineCollaboration #HCI #AIforGood #CognitiveAI #cognitivescience #BehavioralEconomics #psychology #ml #DL
@fsmontenegro @Toxic_Flange @jerry following people from instances dedicated to those topics, maybe. Most likely discovering people through using #HashTags so you might try sprinkling #BehavioralEconomics in to statuses, say & see who responds.
#hashtags #BehavioralEconomics
因为成功回了一个陌生人的电话而感觉到情绪高涨(社恐限定),进而因为开心而效率爆棚。工作效率一向和心情正相关。I change best by feeling good, not feeling bad. #BehavioralEconomics 诚不欺我。