RT @Flagel_Lab
There is still time to submit abstracts & #travelawards & early registration still open for #EBPS2023 @EurBehavPharm! https://ebps2023.azuleon.org/ Please share widely for those interested in #behavioralneuroscience. Fantastic conference for trainees to expand their #global network.
#travelawards #ebps2023 #BehavioralNeuroscience #global
Excited about this upcoming webinar on Teaching Biological Psychology with Sage Psychology
- sign up and spread the word, esp if you teach #biopsychology #behavioralneuroscience!
Register here: http://ow.ly/pL3750NoSWH
#biopsychology #BehavioralNeuroscience
Hello! This account is shared by Valerie (Val) Kuhlmeier and Mary (Cella) Olmstead. We are faculty at Queen's University in Canada with interests in
#AnimalCognition #AnimalBehaviour #AnimalBehavior #DevelopmentalPsychology #BehavioralNeuroscience #Dogs #Primates #Cognition #Psychology #Cooperation
We wrote a textbook called #ComparativeCognition, and we are working on the second edition now. Most activity here will be from Val.
#comparativecognition #cooperation #psychology #cognition #primates #dogs #BehavioralNeuroscience #developmentalpsychology #animalbehavior #animalbehaviour #AnimalCognition #introduction