PCP#793... The Great Escape 2023... three days of great music and great company.... with tracks by... #Germein #PacificAvenue #RebFountain #Mestizo #BibiClub #TheHeavyHeavy #PrimaQueen #Islet #TheOozes #MoonMatess #MarinaHerlop #MelinMelyn #IllConsidered #LEclair #GirlScout #AmritKaur #BehindTheMask #ShunTA #LaChinaca #TheScorpios
http://petecogle.co.uk/2023/05/19/pcp793-the-great-escape-2023/ or via a podcasting app of your choice
#germein #pacificavenue #rebfountain #mestizo #bibiclub #TheHeavyHeavy #PrimaQueen #islet #theoozes #moonmatess #marinaherlop #MelinMelyn #illconsidered #leclair #girlscout #amritkaur #BehindTheMask #shunta #lachinaca #thescorpios
91 years ago:
Behind the Mask (US)
A Secret Service agent nabs a scalpel-happy doctor who runs drugs in caskets.
#BehindtheMask #JohnFrancisDillon #BorisKarloff #Columbia #Horror #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#BehindTheMask #johnfrancisdillon #boriskarloff #columbia #horror #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Me encanta cuando se mezcla bien el terror con otros géneros, como con la comedia. #DetrasdelaMascara #BehindtheMask (#ScottGlosserman) es una disección, en forma de falso documental, del decálogo terrorífico que rige todos los grandes éxitos de asesinos-persigue-jóvenes incautos. Merecía una segunda parte sin duda. Disfrutadla y tomad nota para ser más sabios.
#Cine #Cinema #CineTerror #CineComedia #Horror #HorrorCinema
#horrorcinema #horror #BehindTheMask #scottglosserman #cinecomedia #cineterror #cinema #cine #detrasdelamascara
#doodle #artTherapy #selfconsciousness #calmAfterTheStorm #behindTheMask #theWatchfulEyes #lookAtMeDontLookAtMe #actuallyautistic
edit: I made this over 20 years ago (before I understood what I was going through)
#doodle #arttherapy #selfconsciousness #calmafterthestorm #BehindTheMask #thewatchfuleyes #actuallyautistic #lookatmedontlookatme
RT @ElysiumFields10@twitter.com
Not one for Selfies but happy to promote the virtues of an #FFP3 Mask ( working in the Respiratory part of #A&E today ) Comfort & Safety
- 12 .1/2 hrs .. They work!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElysiumFields10/status/1592633398593454081
Now let's do #horror #movies. Name 5 of your favourite #HorrorMovies. Mine are:
#BehindTheMask:The Rise of Leslie Vernon
I love lots more, but these are ones I revisit again & again
#horror #movies #horrormovies #alien #thething #Reanimator #TheLostBoys #BehindTheMask
@edyong209 "America is sliding into a long pandemic defeat" And not just America.
RT @ellie_scicomm: Please take a moment and read about the actual people #BehindTheMask making up the 500,000 in the UK who are still shielding or living a limited life due to the pandemic.
I'm just one story, there are thousands more and its heartbreaking.
Support us …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/NChildersMEP/status/1541553199630409731
Next up at #SAConf #BehindTheMask is Carly Jones, our second #ActuallyAutistic speaker, a campaigner for rights of Autistic women and girls
Her talk is ‘Autistic Spice – born to be mild?’
She says she will overshare!
#SAConf #BehindTheMask #actuallyautistic
Start of a live-toot thread from Scottish Autism’s #BehindTheMask conference, from an #ActuallyAutistic perspective
#BehindTheMask #actuallyautistic #SAConf22