Yes, it's Saturday - but I just ordered another $1400 of hard drives for the company.

I swear we get through these like some people get through shoes.

#Behindthescenes #computer #server #harddrives #contentcreation

Last updated 1 year ago


Last week, we purchased two new SSDs so we could sneakernet (or rather post) hard drives with footage from @pyoor so that @BeanieCam could work on them.

Drive arrived with them last night, and was... functional.

This morning? No works.

So Guess what I'm doing remotely?

Add to this two hard drives that failed in the server this week and we're HURTING BAD.

Problem? We can't afford a good backup solution.


Last updated 1 year ago

I had such fun making this.

#Behindthescenes #comingsoon

Last updated 1 year ago

Sometimes, just sometimes, @erin_etc scares me.

Yes, we may be playing on the M&S trope a little.


Last updated 1 year ago

The team at Transport Evolved are VERY unhappy about the whole debacle regarding , so we're going to be switching our meeting provider to an open-source alternative (and saving money in the process)

But that doesn't mean for now we're not going to punk the AI systems at Zoom*…



Blame @BeanieCam...

* Since @pyoor doesn't work Thursdays, and doesn't own any kind of animal-related costume, this worked out well ;)

** Sorry that your colleagues are all weird, @pyoor

#zoom #ai #fursuit #zoomai #opensource #Behindthescenes

Last updated 1 year ago

It's weird, but we've just recorded TEN for Saturday - and I'm feeling very chill. Normally Thursday and Friday are a blur!


Last updated 1 year ago

Well that sucked. We got a parking ticket last week while filming for Formula E because the private parking lot is run by a bunch of *insert words here*.

Parked slightly to the right of our space (which wasn't itself a space, so was blank space) so that we didn't impinge on other people's access to parking spaces in a tight lot.

Got a ticket.

Just had our appeal rejected.

Thanks a bunch :(

$50 worse off.


Last updated 1 year ago

@BeanieCam @pyoor @erin_etc @Aminorjourney

In addition to all of the above...

- @Aminorjourney is editing up a video on home backup for the middle of next week, AND putting some tweaks into a video scheduled for Sunday/Monday (Patreon/General Release) about ceramic coating your car!

Finally, on the filming front, @Aminorjourney will be filming the Sunday Musing AND Chicken and Garden updates for Take Two (which @BeanieCam will color when they're in the office tomorrow)... and she's also going to be scripting and filming TEN!

- @Aminorjourney is also planning a Patreon hangout for noon Pacific (8pm UK time) (Link here for Patreon supporters:

What about you all?

#Behindthescenes #ElectricCars

Last updated 1 year ago

What a DAY we have planned.
- @BeanieCam has the day off because he's celebrating his anniversary with his love, but he's spent the last two days filming with the Genesis GV70 EV, and apparently likes it! Happy day you two!

- @pyoor is in the office for a half day (having worked a half-day on Tuesday). She's going to be doing some more prep work for a MASSIVE video we're working on regarding charger placement and DEI.

- @pyoor is also working on an update video for her wife’s Kia Soul Ev

-@erin_etc is working on a slew of thumbnails to keep us going through the weekend, and rumor has it she's also working on some new graphics.

- @Aminorjourney is working on a video for release tonight to Patreon supporters (everyone else sees it tomorrow) on the Volvo EX30.

(And that's right, there's SO MUCH happening we need a second toot)

#Behindthescenes #ElectricCars

Last updated 1 year ago

I know this is small for many, but it's BIG for me.

(And yes, a little and for me)

Our server, Kennedy, doesn't like it when both I and @BeanieCam are hitting it at the same time, so I finally got the two 10GBe ports on the server to bond with our network switch... meaning THIS!

Each individual client is receiving less than 10 gigabits per second, but they’re both capable of saturating that link, which they weren’t previously.

#Behindthescenes #weekendworking

Last updated 1 year ago

Just another day, filming a revie.


Last updated 2 years ago

I HATE it when the entire @show team busts a gut and works extra to push out a video, only for some legal process to halt stuff in its tracks.


Last updated 2 years ago

Yeah…$5,000 of camera gear on the back of a truck…. For the first time… we’re not scared… *cough*

#Behindthescenes #carreview #carsofmastodon #kiaev6gt

Last updated 2 years ago

I have the hardest job. I mean, I thought I’d from not breaking the speed limit. .

#Behindthescenes #kiaev6gt #hnnnng #tryingtobegood #carsofmastodon #notatesla #EVs

Last updated 2 years ago

Came back from the launch event with just under 900 GB of video and found a new 2TB of footage on my desk from @BeanieCam, who spent Thursday and Friday filming the B roll for the .

That’s basically 3TB in four days. This week we have a review to film (another 1.5 TB I’d guess…)

We’re going to need a new array.

#nissanariya_e4orce #kiaev6gt #harddrive #45drives #linux #contentcreation #Behindthescenes

Last updated 2 years ago

That's It! All the B-Roll downloaded, inspected, detected, rejected... and there's probably bunch of 8x10 color glossy photos in there too somewhere ....Annotated (in parenthesis)

All jokes aside, this screen shot is the 898.66 GB of raw footage from yesterday being duplicated onto a second drive for @BeanieCam to edit tomorrow.

When we get back to Portland later tonight, I'll drop off a drive at @BeanieCam's place.

#Behindthescenes #production #nissanariya_e40rce #contentcreation

Last updated 2 years ago

Oooh, transphobia, an attempt at deadnaming(?), and climate denial all in one person's thread. Oh and angry ranting that we're deleted the transphobia in another comment.

I mean I hadn't, it was just in the comment filters, but yeah, I have now 👍

The void's too good for 'em... So I reported them too.


Last updated 2 years ago

Today, while @pyoor and @erin_etc are busy working on a video about climate change and oil, @Aminorjourney and @BeanieCam are off filming some non TE production stuff for a client.


Last updated 2 years ago

if you can guess what’s going on in this photo you’re a genius.

So come on, give me your captions!


Last updated 2 years ago

if you can guess what’s going on in this photo you’re a genius.


Last updated 2 years ago