I recently had a conversation with someone who said being curious is not doing. On the surface, this may be true. But here's more:
#BeingHuman #being #doing #life #living #learning #growing #curiosity #revelation #expandedperspective #change #manifestation #love #community
#BeingHuman #being #doing #life #living #learning #growing #curiosity #revelation #expandedperspective #change #manifestation #love #community
None of us are immune from tragedy or trauma... but maybe:
#tragedy #trauma #BeingHuman #life #love #foodforthought
Food for thought.
#BeingHuman #Life #Love #Hope #Grief #Writing #Reading #FoodForThought
#BeingHuman #life #love #hope #grief #writing #reading #foodforthought
Awareness is key to remembering to create truthful conversations. No pressure, though. Just use a little curiosity at first and self-compassion... and generosity... and some patience, too.
#foodforthought #truth #awareness #creative #beinghuman #books #Reading #writing #life #living #authenticity
#foodforthought #truth #awareness #creative #BeingHuman #books #reading #writing #life #living #Authenticity
#foodforthought #life #senses #BeingHuman #writing #writingcommunity #reading
A little contemplation in the woods.
I call this photo: Wearing a Pink Hat while Leaning on a Tree :)
#nature #walking #life #snowfall #outdoor #BeingHuman #Quiet #Now #learn #Live #self #livingthedream #love #present #present #outdooradventures #woods
#nature #walking #life #snowfall #outdoor #BeingHuman #quiet #now #learn #live #self #livingthedream #love #present #outdooradventures #woods
When you just need a moment of quiet.
I call the photo: Walking into the Light.
May we all know calm today.
#peace #nature #trail #inspiration #Trending #life #connection #creativity #trees #hope #Mindfulness #selfhelp #lovetoday #beinghuman
#peace #nature #trail #inspiration #trending #life #connection #creativity #trees #hope #mindfulness #selfhelp #lovetoday #BeingHuman
Just now
Engaging in science does not only tell us about the world around us. It can change us personally — how we think, how we act, and who we are as humans. Several scientists tell Big Think how science has changed their understanding of the Universe and themselves.
Big Think #science #behaviourchange #business #lifelessons #learning #learninganddevelopment #leaders #leadership #emotionalintelligence #culture #beinghuman #change #thinking
#science #BehaviourChange #business #lifelessons #learning #learninganddevelopment #leaders #leadership #emotionalintelligence #culture #BeingHuman #change #thinking
Subjecting the problems of ethics to the cool quantifications of logic and probability can help us to be better people https://aeon.co/essays/how-to-solve-moral-problems-with-formal-logic-and-probability?ref=refind @Aeon #morals #beinghuman #ethics
We admire people who are able to laugh at themselves, and this ability contributes to their flourishing by helping them let go.
https://psyche.co/ideas/a-sense-of-humour-even-a-dark-one-is-a-moral-virtue?utm_source=Psyche+Magazine&utm_campaign=d60adab5ce-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_11_29_10_18&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-d60adab5ce-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D @aeonmag @psyche_the_mag #humour #beinghuman
'Pink detention cells grew in popularity due to the belief that the colour could help to calm aggressive inmates and reduce the risk of violence'
#behaviourchange #behavioralscience #business #beinghuman #leaders #leadership #creativity #creative #colours Creative Conscience #think #thinking #design #innovativethinking #innovationculture @bbcworld
#BehaviourChange #behavioralscience #business #BeingHuman #leaders #leadership #creativity #creative #colours #think #thinking #design #innovativethinking #innovationculture
Very nice to see @Gargron on BBC Newsnight, good to see careful, thoughful responses #BeingHuman #fedi
@cusp_uk Good to see it framed this way. I work with the #NHS on what they call #SocialPrescribing and I call #BeingHuman - culture, locality, economics, social capital all vital to a decent life, regardless of health status. Systems change very slow, lots of resistance from vested interests, but pockets of amazing good practice here and there
#nhs #SocialPrescribing #BeingHuman