RT @basmehzeitooneh: Our #Bekaa learning center welcomes 1382 #refugee children aged 5 to 17 in a safe & inclusive learning environment where their well-being is of utmost importance. That's why we have a protection team for psychosocial aid, including a nurse,social worker, psychologist & caseworker
RT @eueomlebanon22: 170 observers of the #EUEOMLebanon22 are deployed all around #Lebanon for #Elections2022 day. Here the preparations observed by LTO07 in Ilat, #Akkar, #North_Lebanon 1, LTO10 in West #Bekaa (Bekaa 2) and the short-term observers’ team in #South_Lebanon 2.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1525775189551853568
#EUEOMLebanon22 #Lebanon #Elections2022 #Akkar #North_Lebanon #Bekaa #South_Lebanon
RT @eueomlebanon22: The #EUEOMLebanon22 Chief Observer @HolvenyiGyorgy travelled to #Zahle for a meeting with the LTO teams 08, 09 and 10 during which they shared information about their meetings and observations in Baalbek, Hermel, Zahle West Bekaa and Rashaya, covering #Bekaa 1, 2 and 3 districts.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1524062798866784256
RT @eueomlebanon22: Chief Observer of the #EUEOMLebanon22 @HolvenyiGyorgy met with the governor of the #Bekaa, Judge Kamal Abou Jaoude in Hazmieh.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1512729416455053313