#2Settembre #botd #belleepoque
#NataOggi nel 1878 la cantante ed attrice #EdnaMay classica bellezza edoardiana
Foto del 1907
#2settembre #botd #BelleEpoque #NataOggi #ednamay
#12luglio #cinemastodon #belleépoque #otd #silentmovie #fineartphotography
#AccaddeOggi nel 1943 muore 66enne l’attrice scozzese #CeciliaLoftus caratterista di anziane signore negli anni 30, era stata una stella del vaudeville e del music hall d’inizio secolo
Cecilia Loftus, 1903
#12luglio #cinemastodon #BelleEpoque #otd #silentmovie #fineartphotography #accaddeoggi #cecilialoftus
#19giugno #belleépoque #attualità
Era #NataOggi nel 1893 la socialite americana #MadeleineAstor sopravvissuta al naufragio del #TItanic, auguro la stessa sorte ai dispersi di oggi
#19giugno #BelleEpoque #attualita #NataOggi #madeleineastor #titanic
The wonderful stained glass window La Concordia station Bilbao. #FensterFrietag #Bilbao #Station #Terminus #BelleEpoque #BasqueCountry #Railway
#railway #basquecountry #BelleEpoque #terminus #station #bilbao #fensterfrietag
Far from the debilitating device its made out to be today, the corset was de rigueur in the nineteenth century. Before the brassiere was invented, it was the support garment of choice by working women and middle and upper class women. #Belleepoque #Paris #19thcentury #corset
#corset #19thcentury #paris #BelleEpoque
Alfred Choubrac (French 1853-1902) Georges Putois, Nectar Bourguignon Poster, 1891.
Choubrac was a painter, illustrator, poster artist and costume designer. Considered to be one of the pioneers of the modern colored and illustrated poster of the Belle Époque in France.
#poster #belleepoque #wine
This cracked tiling, once seen from different angles, put me in mind of a #sketch style from La #BelleEpoque. #Art #ArtDeco Perhaps it’s just me. #Form
#form #artdeco #Art #BelleEpoque #Sketch
Le due città (Victoriana 36/I) https://www.carmillaonline.com/2022/05/16/le-due-citta-victoriana-36-i/ #letteraturafantastica #letteraturafrancese #magiasessuale #BelleEpoque #esothriller #Recensioni #esoterismo #occultismo #occulture #Parigi #magia
#magia #parigi #occulture #occultismo #esoterismo #recensioni #esothriller #BelleEpoque #magiasessuale #letteraturafrancese #letteraturafantastica