Holly · @hollyblomberg
58 followers · 428 posts · Server mastodon.online

Marvelous essay by Dr. Ramzy Baroud that show in concrete terms why US MSM pearl-clutching about Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia fails to inform the American public about what is really going on scheerpost.com/2022/12/13/xis-

#petrodollar #BeltAndRoad #bri

Last updated 2 years ago

Cortney Weinbaum · @cortney
7 followers · 1 posts · Server mas.to

I'm in the process of pitching an article about China's weapons sales and use of security contractors in Africa (540 words). If you're an editor of a publication with an international audience and that interests you, let me know!

#africa #beltandroadforum #BeltAndRoad #armssales #weaponsexports #pmsc #weaponssystems #China

Last updated 2 years ago

Cortney Weinbaum · @cortney
349 followers · 48 posts · Server mas.to

I'm in the process of pitching an article about China's weapons sales and use of security contractors in Africa (540 words). If you're an editor of a publication with an international audience and that interests you, let me know!

#africa #beltandroadforum #BeltAndRoad #armssales #weaponsexports #pmsc #weaponssystems #China

Last updated 2 years ago