For this #SilentSunday... An image taken earlier this week of a place where my friends and I had #Beltaine/#MayDay rituals years ago. I'm not sure if #ThomasMorton had ever visited #Newbury, but if he had visited #Quascacunquen / #OldTownHill, I'm sure he would have wanted to erect a Maypole there. Now under the stewardship of the Trustees of Reservations, there is a circle of 12 large rocks around a tree -- and evidence that even today, folks are still having rituals atop this sacred spot!
#PaganPlace #LandTrust #PreservedLand #Massachusetts #NewburyMassachusetts
#silentsunday #Beltaine #thomasmorton #Newbury #quascacunquen #oldtownhill #paganplace #landtrust #preservedland #massachusetts #newburymassachusetts
Today was Beltaine. The best way I could think to celebrate the start of Celtic summer was by planting my Dahlia tubers. Three of the four I stored from last year didn't look their best when I brought them out, put I planted them anyway, as I figured the worst that could happen is nothing. With my new acquisitions, I now have sixteen in total.
As if approving of my efforts, a Queen Bumblebee flew through my garden.
#zone8b #Beltaine #dahlia #dahlias #gardening #garden
#ArgomentidellOrdine #MagiaRitualistica #InsegnamentiGranMaestro
Ecco un #momento del #rituale #Wicca dell'#accoppiamento, nello #Sabbat di #Beltane o #Beltaine.
Come si può notare, le #donne, desiderose di accoppiarsi per creare la #realtà, lasciano che le energie dei primi #chakra si liberino e, come #predatrici, cacciano la loro #prede!
È quando ci si abbandona a #MadreNatura che si può comprendere lo #Spirito.
#ArgomentidellOrdine #MagiaRitualistica #InsegnamentiGranMaestro #momento #Rituale #wicca #accoppiamento #Sabbat #Beltane #Beltaine #donne #realtà #Chakra #predatrici #prede #MadreNatura #Spirito
The #Celtic #Otherworld existed in a parallel universe, not entirely separate from our world but not within it either. This contiguous world was believed to be reached through portals in either time or space. Temporally, the dates of #Samhain on November 1 and its opposite feast of #Beltaine on May 1 were considered to be open to the Otherworld. In this world, borderland places like bogs and islands served as the same kind of doorway.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: When the sun sat at the horizon, it was the point in #mythic time when the Mórrígan drove her cattle back into #Oweynagat. Every night at sunset they entered the #Otherworld through the souterrain entrance of this cave.
#celtic #otherworld #samhain #Beltaine #mythology #folklore #CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #mythic #Oweynagat
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: In #Irish #mythology the #HillOfUisneach is the centre of #Ireland and is associated with the festival of #Beltaine. This ancient ceremonial site consists of a set of monuments and earthworks spread over two square kilometres. Around and upon the hill
#CelticSoulJourney #irish #mythology #HillOfUisneach #ireland #Beltaine
A celestial column in #Wales with the sun disk on top? Isn`t it interesting that the times of the 4 main #Celtic festivals, #Samhain, #Imbolc, #Beltaine and #Lughnasad are clearly marked?
Margam Stones Museum re-opening
We look forward to welcoming visitors again to the Margam Stones Museum from Wednesday 18 May.
Visit our website to find more information and opening times:
#wales #celtic #samhain #imbolc #Beltaine #Lughnasad