‘We have clients all year round’: New railway line brings Chinese travellers to ancient Laos town
> The country, which in 2021 launched a railway line connecting it to #China, has drawn increasing numbers of overland visitors ever since cross-border passenger services began in April.
https://www.straitstimes.com/multimedia/graphics/2023/09/belt-and-road-initiative-laos-china-railway/index.html?state=eyJyZWRpcmVjdF91cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5zdHJhaXRzdGltZXMuY29tL211bHRpbWVkaWEvZ3JhcGhpY3MvMjAyMy8wOS9iZWx0LWFuZC1yb2FkLWluaXRpYXRpdmUtbGFvcy1jaGluYS1yYWlsd2F5L2luZGV4Lmh0bWwifQ== #Laos #SouthEastAsia #beltandroad #beltandroadinitiative #china #bri #silkroad #beltroadnews #TootSEA
#tootsea #beltroadnews #silkroad #bri #Beltandroadinitiative #beltandroad #southeastasia #laos #China
Italy is seeking to leave the ‘atrocious’ Chinese Belt and Road Initiative without harming ties.
The BRI scheme envisions rebuilding the old Silk Road to connect China with Asia, Europe and beyond with vast amounts of infrastructure spending on roads and shipping routes. However, critics see it as a tool for China to spread geopolitical and economic influence.
Italy signed up to the BRI in 2019, as the only major western member.
#Beltandroadinitiative #bri #Italy
How does one spell “Belt & Road” in the original Cyrillic (this is an Undiscovered Country reference for the folks who know their Trek) #IYKYK #StarTrek #Beltandroadinitiative #Russia #China
#iykyk #startrek #Beltandroadinitiative #russia #china
“Mexico is increasingly the North American stronghold for Chinese companies who haven’t found success - or have been booted - from the US and/or Canada. DiDi is everywhere. Huawei and ZTE advertise in the airport.”
- Zak Dychtwald
#mexico #china #Beltandroadinitiative