[1987] Saturday Live - Comedy and music show initially broadcast on Channel 4 from 1985 to 1988. Ben Elton hosts and performs with Harry Enfield, Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.
#OldBritishTelly #SaturdayLive #BenElton #HarryEnfield #StephenFry #HughLaurie
#OldBritishTelly #SaturdayLive #BenElton #HarryEnfield #StephenFry #HughLaurie
[1987] Filthy, Rich, and Catflap - Sitcom about three losers: a failed actor, his sleazy agent, and a permanently drunk bodyguard. Written by Ben Elton.
E04: After losing his brilliant new game-show formula to BBC big shot Jumbo Whiffy. Rich resorts to taking advantage of his terminally-ill father to get back into the limelight.
Starring Rik Mayall (Happy Birthday!), Ade Edmondson, Nigel Planer and Mel Smith.
#OldBritishTelly #RikMayall #AdeEdmonson #BenElton
[1982] There’s Nothing to Worry About! - Sketch comedy series that was the first screen collaboration between duo Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. Also starring Ben Elton, Siobhan Redmond, Paul Shearer and Emma Thompson. Pilot episode.
#OldBritishTelly #StephenFry #HughLaurie #BenElton #EmmaThomson #SiobhanRedmond #PaulShearer
#OldBritishTelly #StephenFry #HughLaurie #BenElton #emmathomson #siobhanredmond #paulshearer
[1983] Alfresco - ITV sketch comedy television series starring Robbie Coltrane, Ben Elton, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Siobhan Redmond and Emma Thompson. Written by Ben Elton it was intended to be an answer to the BBC's highly successful Not the Nine O'Clock News. E04: The Cold War.
#OldBritishTelly #Alfresco #BenElton #EmmaThompson #SiobhanRedmond #RobbieColtrane #StephenFry #HughLaurie
#OldBritishTelly #alfresco #BenElton #EmmaThompson #siobhanredmond #RobbieColtrane #StephenFry #HughLaurie
[1999] The Ben Elton Show - Fast-talking, witty comedy show starring the comedian Ben Elton with a weekly guest appearance from Ronnie Corbett who delivers his comic monologues from his famous chair. With music from Kylie Minogue.
#OldBritishTelly #BenElton #RonnieCorbett
[1987] Filthy, Rich, and Catflap - Sitcom starring Rik Mayall as a “resting” actor with delusions of grandeur, Adrian Edmonson as his permanently drunk minder, and Nigel Planer as his sleazy agent with “the morals of a dog caught short on a croquet lawn”. Written by Ben Elton. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #RikMayall #AdeEdmonson #BenElton