Goonilly Downs is reporting that #BenWallace's bald pate has deflected the first good-boy-missile signals towards the Shiny Schnappsograph Antenna!
🔵 As #GrantShapps takes over as defence secretary from #BenWallace, Mr #Shapps has pledged to "continue...UK's support for #Ukraine".
It is Mr Shapps' fifth cabinet job in less than a year, including roles as energy secretary, transport secretary and, briefly, home secretary.
#Ukraine #Shapps #BenWallace #GrantShapps
⭕ This morning #BenWallace left the post of 🇬🇧 #Defence Secretary. He did a valiant job gravely under resourced
Here's an article by #BenWallace of an overview of the situation in #Ukraine from Autumn 2022
#FundBritainsDefence 🇬🇧
#FundBritainsSecurity 🇬🇧
#fundbritainssecurity #fundbritainsdefence #Ukraine #defence #BenWallace
🇬🇧 Le ministre britannique de la Défense Ben Wallace démissionne, Grant Shapps le remplace 📰
#RevuedePresse #Politique #International #RoyaumeUni #gouvernement #BenWallace #GrantShapps
#revuedepresse #politique #international #royaumeuni #gouvernement #BenWallace #GrantShapps
🇬🇧 Guerre en Ukraine : le ministre de la défense britannique, Ben Wallace, grand soutien de Kiev, va quitter son poste 📰
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #RoyaumeUni #gouvernement #BenWallace #GuerreEnUkraine
#revuedepresse #politique #international #royaumeuni #gouvernement #BenWallace #GuerreEnUkraine
When #BenWallace , seemingly the only able seaman in the UK Government, decides to leave the cabinet and the Titanic which is this Tory disaster, you know how bad it's getting for the Tories
Ben Wallace is quitting as an MP and my first and only thought on the matter is good riddance. I’m especially thankful to the US for putting a stop to his NATO leadership bid. Any man who still supports Boris Johnson shouldn’t be in any position where people’s lives depend on their judgement.
#BenWallace #UK #UKPolitics #BritishPolitics #Politics #NATO #Defence #Ukraine #FBPE #GTTO #ToriesOut #Tories #RishiSunak #Parliament #US #NATO #BorisJohnson #Vote
#Vote #borisjohnson #US #parliament #RishiSunak #tories #toriesout #gtto #fbpe #Ukraine #defence #NATO #Politics #BritishPolitics #ukpolitics #UK #BenWallace
Shameful from Wallace. Making the UK look small minded and petty at a major international summit.
#BenWallace favourite to be next Ralph Coates or Pop Robson of Nato! However #PennyMordaunt is not fatr behind! #ToriesOut
#BenWallace #pennymordaunt #toriesout
NATO struggles in the shadows to find new leader #BenWallace #KajaKallas #MarkRutte #MetteFrederiksen #Nato
#BenWallace #kajakallas #MarkRutte #MetteFrederiksen #nato
RT @GAZ31985
When #Georgegalloway tweets he's going to be having words about #NAFO to #BenWallace just realise he is already a #fella 🤣🤣
#georgegalloway #NAFO #BenWallace #fella
We are sending a Gauntlet of Challengers to #Ukraine and soon we will send the whole suit of Armour !!! Thanks #BenWallace now they can #FreetheLeopards
#freetheleopards #BenWallace #Ukraine
#GreatBritain 🇬🇧 handed over 900 generators to the Armed Forces of #Ukraine 🇺🇦
#BenWallace, the head of the #British Ministry of Defense, said that the country has handed over 900 generators and special kits for extreme cold to the Armed Forces.
#british #BenWallace #Ukraine #greatbritain
👹 #Britain is open to providing #Ukraine with longer-range weapons, said #British Defense Minister #BenWallace.
#BenWallace #british #Ukraine #britain
🇬🇧 #British Defense Minister #BenWallace called on #Ukrainian troops to continue rapid attacks on the occupiers throughout the winter
🗣️"Given the advantage that the #Ukrainians have in training and in the quality of their personnel compared to the demoralized, poorly trained and equipped #Russians, it would be in the interests of #Ukraine to maintain the momentum gained during the winter," said Wallace.
#Ukraine #russians #ukrainians #ukrainian #BenWallace #british
#BenWallace also announced that #GreatBritain will provide #Ukraine with an additional 10,000 artillery shells. Such assistance, according to the minister, will make it possible to secure the recently liberated territories.
#Ukraine #greatbritain #BenWallace
#GreatBritain transfers three #SeaKing #helicopters to #Ukraine.
This was announced by the Minister of Defense of Great Britain, #BenWallace
The first one has already arrived in #Ukraine.
#Ukrainian crews have been training in the #UnitedKingdom for the past six weeks. Helicopters will be used for search and rescue missions.
The Sea King was previously used by the #Royal #AirForce and the #RoyalNavy. It is not yet known what type of helicopters were transferred to Ukraine.
#royalnavy #airforce #royal #unitedkingdom #ukrainian #BenWallace #Ukraine #helicopters #seaking #greatbritain