Benefits Sanctions Will Continue Under Labour, Jonathan Ashworth Confirms | HuffPost UK Politics
Shadow work and pensions secretary unveils a raft of proposals to overhaul welfare system which "too often... disincentivises work".
#sanctionskill #ShadowDWPSecretary #Ashworth #BenefitsSanctions #universalcredit #UCWillNotBeScrapped #LabourBrokenPromises #StarmerBrokenPromises #starmer #pcs #disabled #GettingDisabledIntoWork
Unfortunately in our current system losing your job or not doing enough to find paid work can cost you your house, your food and literally kill you
#VoluntaryUnemployment (neither of which is often a choice and often is not voluntary at all).
#BenefitsSanctions #VoluntaryUnemployment