translateLocally uses #Bergamot translator and #Marian neural machine translator.
Based on my usage so far the actual translation is quicker compared to other solutions such as Google Translate through the qute-translate userscript ( which I still use to translate pages.
Habt ihr euch seit Juni 2019 ein Rad von #Bergamot gekauft? Zuflälllig ein Grandurance RD oder Sweep EQ? Oder auch ein Schutzblech-Set?
Guckt mal lieber nach, ob euer Modell beim #Produktruckruf von Bergamot dabei ist.
Bei mehr als 15 Radmodellen und bei 3 Schutzblechsets besteht die Gefahr, dass sich das vordere Schutzblech löst und im Vorderrad verkeilt.
#fahrrad #produktruckruf #Bergamot
See what this stuff's all about for as little as a $1. $10 if you're a kind person. $20 if you want me to draw something for you.
#juliansands #juliansandsmissing #valmont #jackiechanadventures #fanart #papermache #toshidensetsu #japaneseurbanlegend #hasshakusama #kuchisakeonna #kuchisake #toirenohanakosan #hanakosan #teketeke #jinmenken #manfaceddog #ghoststoriesanime #maya #amanojaku #cattype#OC #baku #bergamot #amabie #shendu #patreon
#patreon #shendu #amabie #Bergamot #baku #cattype #amanojaku #maya #ghoststoriesanime #manfaceddog #jinmenken #teketeke #hanakosan #toirenohanakosan #kuchisake #kuchisakeonna #hasshakusama #japaneseurbanlegend #toshidensetsu #papermache #FanArt #jackiechanadventures #Valmont #juliansandsmissing #juliansands
@dripsandcastle Yes! I prefer in general small amounts of black coffee. But winter hits and around 7p or 8p there rises an odd yearning for Earl Grey tea, hot. Is it ancestral DNA calling out, LOL? Started when I moved to Seattle 20 years ago. I must now put on the kettle. #EarlGrey #Bergamot
I have been using Firefox Translations (aka #bergamot) for some time. It enables client side (local, no web server) in-page translations. It is quite useful and the results are good. What is the experience among #fediverse users? #Argos translate (local) and #LibreTranslate (web) are subjectively better IMHO (not tested) but not well integrated in the browser.
#Bergamot #fediverse #argos #libretranslate #mozilla #firefox #argostranslate #nlp #machinetranslation
I have been using Firefox Translations (aka #bergamot) for some time. It enables client side (local, no web server) in-page translations. It is quite useful and the results are good. What is the experience among #fediverse users? #Argos translate (local) and #LibreTranslate (web) are subjectively better IMHO (not tested) but not well integrated in the browser.
#Bergamot #fediverse #argos #libretranslate #mozilla #firefox #argostranslate
I have been using Firefox Translations (aka #bergamot) for some time. It enables client side (local, no web server) in-page translations. It is quite useful and the results are good. What is the experience among #fediverse users? #Argos (local) translate and #LibreTranslate are subjetively better IMHO (not tested) but not well integrated in the browser.
#Bergamot #fediverse #argos #libretranslate #mozilla #firefox
Firefox Translations, l'extension de traduction locale, sans recours au cloud, issue du projet de recherche #Bergamot, contient désormais la langue française
Offline-Übersetzer von Mozilla, der den Text komplett im Browser übersetzt und keine Daten in die Cloud sendet. Das Projekt #Bergamot befindet sich allerdings noch in der Testphase.
#privacy #mozilla #übersetzung #translation #Bergamot
@jolaus interesgarria. Banuen #Bergamot proiektuaren berri baina egia esan emaitzak aurrerago espero nituen. Tarte bat dudanean aztertuko dut ea zer lortu duten. Edozein kasutan, proiektu polita, praktikoa eta erabiltzaileen #pribatutasuna babesten duena.
Gora @mozilla ! 👏
La nouvelle fonctionnalité native de traduction locale (pas dans le cloud) de Firefox est testable dans @FirefoxNightly (3 langues sont disponibles : anglais, espagnol et estonien) #Bergamot #news /@DebugPoint
Looks like a nice news - there are not too many FOSS machine translation engines. Has anybody tried this #Bergamot - is it any good? So far only English, Spanish, and Estonian - none I can really test...
Des chercheur·se·s de l’université de Tartu (Estonie) développent un projet de traduction automatique avec Firefox (communiqué)
traduction en local sans cloud #Bergamot #news
Des chercheur·se·s de l’université de Tartu (Estonie) développent un projet de traduction automatique avec Firefox (communiqué)
traduction en local sans cloud #Bergamot #news