RT @georgeburgess74@twitter.com
According to NPR:
Joe Biden
Needs 50.6% of remaining
Bernie Sanders
Needs 56.2% of remaining
Stop acting like it’s over, and Biden has a mandate from the people. It’s inconsistent with the facts.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/georgeburgess74/status/1237551852301897728
#BidensCognitiveDecline #demexit #Bernie2020
RT @scapelliti@twitter.com
Don't tell us that "young people aren't voting".
Their votes are being blocked. This is unconstitutional.
This is Michigan tonight.
#Bernie2020 https://twitter.com/AbshirDSM/status/1237536785804054528
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/scapelliti/status/1237568138092228610
RT @LeftwardSwing@twitter.com
Bernie will be giving a town hall tonight on FOX News. It begins EARLY! 6:30 Eastern.
#Bernie2020 #NotMeUs
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LeftwardSwing/status/1237014722932641793
RT @bern_identity@twitter.com
Good! @BernieSanders@twitter.com is going back to FOX to do a town hall with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum on Mon 3/9 at 6:30 pm ET.
Bernie's April 2019 FOX town hall, to this day, is still the MOST watched Dem presidential candidate town hall. #Bernie2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bern_identity/status/1236087451103277056
#Bernie2020 #VeteransForBernie #VetsAgainstWar #VeteransWithBernie #VeteransAgainstTrump #VetsAgainstTrump #ONLYBernieCanBeatTrump
RT @BernieSanders@twitter.com
I'm honored to have the support of @CommonDefense@twitter.com. I've proudly stood with veterans my entire career, including serving as chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. We must end our endless wars and take care of the veterans who have served our country.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1235962091074277376
#ONLYBernieCanBeatTrump #VetsAgainstTrump #veteransagainsttrump #VeteransWithBernie #VetsAgainstWar #veteransforbernie #Bernie2020
RT @OOOlson@twitter.com
#Breaking: @BernieSanders@twitter.com' total rally attendance this cycle just broke half a million! This is a grassroots movement!
Thank the curator of this database @Datoism@twitter.com with a follow! #DemPrimary #Bernie2020
#Bernie2020 #demprimary #breaking
RT @RomeSixmile@twitter.com
One of my problems with the @DNC@twitter.com establishment.
#Bernie2020 #BernieBruh
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RomeSixmile/status/1235626480593326080
RT @DrDooleyMD@twitter.com
IMPORTANT #Bernie2020 #MichiganPrimary information. Any registered voter can request an absentee ballot to avoid lines on voting day but it MUST be requested by Friday 3/6!
Please share & tell a friend, especially our younger voters!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrDooleyMD/status/1235320626027597832
RT @jpmomof5@twitter.com
Anyone that supports #MedicareForAll should probably see this. What the hell is Biden talking about? VOTE #BERNIE2020 https://twitter.com/BetaODork/status/1235321894540324865
RT @qwk_slvr@twitter.com
@Mondiablue@twitter.com I think we should strongly encourage in-person early voting to Berners, preferably on paper ballots. That would help cut the lines down & increase the odds that more #Bernie2020 votes get counted.
RT @Mondiablue@twitter.com
Felons in Idaho CAN vote if not in prison parole or probation! Please go vote!!! You can register on Election Day!!! #bernie2020 https://twitter.com/ShoresJaime/status/829206803816779777
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mondiablue/status/1235290421628227584
RT @Mondiablue@twitter.com
MICHIGAN! You CAN register to vote on or before Election Day 3/10 but the polling place is NOT where you register! First you go to your “city or township clerk’s office before 8 pm on Election Day” BRING YOUR DOCUMENTS https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/RegisterVoter #bernie2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mondiablue/status/1235293739637231616
RT @bern_identity@twitter.com
Some things about the #CAPrimary 415 delegates:
▪️144 are based on statewide win. Only #Bernie2020 + Biden met 15% so will split proportionately
▪️271 are based on congressional district wins. This is a county map but it's a glimpse of what's to come with delegate distribution
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bern_identity/status/1235270052703645697
RT @DonnieWinslow@twitter.com
The numbers are finally pouring in. Biden has 507 delegates. Bernie has 441, but he's quickly closing the gap, with more than 250 CA delegates still unassigned. #Bernie2020
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DonnieWinslow/status/1235262317677473793
RT @lexi4prez@twitter.com
IF YOU ARE IN LINE TO VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS IN TEXAS, DON’T LEAVE. WE ONLY HAVE A .3% LEAD AT THE MOMENT #Bernie2020 https://twitter.com/nprpolitics/status/1235064606906712064
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lexi4prez/status/1235065148936773633
RT @gaelicbleu@twitter.com
Only 1 polling station for an entire county in utah. Line was 5 hrs. Ridiculous! #Bernie2020 Won Utah by a landslide in 2016. DNC hoping for low turnout with less stations? #IVoted
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gaelicbleu/status/1235019043523813377
RT @LiberalCEO@twitter.com
This poll is actually depressing.
People shouldn't feel trapped in jobs.
Employer-provided healthcare is a trap.
#MedicareForAll #Bernie2020 #SuperTuesday #VoteForBernie https://twitter.com/LiberalCEO/status/1234867368993677313
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LiberalCEO/status/1234923101764431872
#voteforbernie #SuperTuesday #Bernie2020 #MedicareForAll
RT @Blackmare00@twitter.com
Super Tuesday Results Watch Party 🎉
in Portland for #Bernie2020
with @SusanSarandon@twitter.com 🎊
🔹Tuesday, March 3
Bernie 2020 Maine HQ
2 Market St
Portland, ME 04101
#NotMeUs #VoteForBernie #SuperTuesday
RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/sandersme/event/255642/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Blackmare00/status/1234915050965520384
#MEPrimary #SuperTuesday #voteforbernie #notmeus #Bernie2020 #maine #BigUs
RT @EatCryVote@twitter.com
Was a little sad to see how small the Bernie crowd was in St. Paul tonight.
Maybe only a few thousand people.
Then I was alerted that I’m sitting in the overflow next to a room filled with 15,000 people. 🤣
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EatCryVote/status/1234656306046341121
RT @LizzyVivino@twitter.com
I’m old enough to remember when @BetoORourke@twitter.com supported Medicare For All and said Fuck on cable tv when he was rightly mad & demanded change because I was the same age that I am now.
Now he endorses the status quo / Joe Biden?
What happened to him?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LizzyVivino/status/1234650074594127872