#NeverthelessSheGrifted #WarrenWaffles #BernieCantBeBought
RT @ggreenwald@twitter.com
Anyone in Democratic Party politics care who is providing the very large amounts of dark money that is fueling the SuperPAC supporting Elizabeth Warren as she refuses to reject, repudiate or even discourage it (as she promised repeatedly she would)? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/us/politics/elizabeth-warren-super-pac.html
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1233378516374343681
#BernieCantBeBought #WarrenWaffles #NeverthelessSheGrifted
#DNCFraud #ElectionRigging #Election2020 #BernieCantBeBought #NotMeUs
These are #Tennessee #SuperDelegates2020:
Gale Jones Carson
Will T. Cheek
Steve Cohen
Jim Cooper
Robert H. Cowan
Al Gore (Yes, it's him)
Mary Mancini
Marisa Richmond
THIS #lobbyist William Owen👇👇👇👇
#lobbyist #SuperDelegates2020 #tennessee #notmeus #BernieCantBeBought #election2020 #ElectionRigging #dncfraud
#WeLoveBernie and #BernieLovesUS
This will always be.
Like Bernie, we are genuine, compassionate, loyal and consistent.
Nothing will divide us. Nothing!
#BernieOrBust #NotMeUs #BigUs
#BigUs #notmeus #bernieorbust #BernieCantBeBought #onlyberniebeatstrump #OnlyBernieBeatsOligarchy #BernieLovesUS #welovebernie
#UnionStrong #HesWithUS
RT @BernieSanders@twitter.com
The ideas I am talking to you about didn't come to me yesterday. These are ideas that I have fought for my entire life.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1189243177678585857
#bernieorbust #onlyberniebeatstrump #VotingRecordsMatter #notmeus #heswithus #unionstrong #berniesanders2020 #BernieCantBeBought #integrity #Consistent #stillbernie #stillsanders