RT @bern_identity@twitter.com
Aww yay a 92-yo berner voting for @BernieSanders@twitter.com in NH today! Thank you Arthur! ✊
And thank you Leyla for canvassing for #BernieForNH! MUCH appreciated. Direct contact with voters like this is how we WIN!
#Bernie2020 #NHprimary2020 https://twitter.com/laley_01/status/1227269027950669831
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bern_identity/status/1227303774814953472
#NHprimary2020 #Bernie2020 #BernieForNH
So here we are, nearly 7 hours since polls closed in #NewHampshirePrimary and STILL only 90.57% reporting (269 of 297 precincts). What's up with THAT?
#BernieForNH #BernieBlackout #BernieBeatsPete
#BernieWinsNH #BernieWinsIowa #BernieWins
#berniewins #BernieWinsIowa #BernieWinsNH #BernieBeatsPete #bernieblackout #BernieForNH #newhampshireprimary
Vox is calling it for #BernieForNH