RT @rosegoggles@twitter.com
Thankfully many more people see through the Smoke and Mirrors this time around.
#BernieIsTheFrontRunner https://twitter.com/shaunking/status/1231097243765215233
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rosegoggles/status/1231198872124493824
#BernieIsTheFrontRunner #notmeus #hindsightis2020
Just gonna leave this here for posterity sake:
#BernieIsTheFrontRunner and we're not going to stand for #DNCRigging with #Superdelegates that work for #CorporateSocialism #CorporateWelfare #CorporateGovernance
#corporategovernance #corporatewelfare #corporatesocialism #superdelegates #dncrigging #BernieIsTheFrontRunner
RT @SpikedCloud@twitter.com
"If a candidate gets to July’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee with a simple majority of the pledged delegates, or at least 1,990 of the total of 3,979, that candidate is the nominee."
We need to get Bernie over 1,990! #BernieIsTheFrontRunner #DemDebates
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SpikedCloud/status/1230368303794790401
#demdebates #BernieIsTheFrontRunner