RT @PepperOceanna@twitter.com
I know it's easy to feel defeated right now. However, we have fought too hard to give up now. Are you willing to go the distance? I am! If you are too, retweet and/or comment! Let's fight like Mother fuckin' warriors!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PepperOceanna/status/1237551389879885826
Gonna try again to stay offline and cross my fingers for that #BernieSurge today. Gimme some hope for the future y'all
DNC, Biden, et who try to skew about Bernie's record don't wanna see MORE #receipts of Bernie working for #NotMeUs #BigUs!
#TruthBeTold #SocialSecurity #PeopleForBernie
#BernieOrBust #BernieCares #BernieSurge
RT @captain_yeehaw@twitter.com
@ryangrim@twitter.com Also this
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/captain_yeehaw/status/1222264554316533767
#BernieSurge #berniecares #bernieorbust #peopleforbernie #socialsecurity #TruthBeTold #BigUs #notmeus #receipts