#CookingInProgress I stopped buying #SoySauceChicken #豉油雞 from stores some years ago because I started making it #Better(*) than store.
Note: "#Better" mostly in the sense that I know exactly I put (or have not added, eg MSG) on the chicken. Also #BetterHalf loves💞my #豉油雞.
#BetterHalf #better #豉油雞 #soysaucechicken #cookinginprogress
My #BetterHalf's wish to #PlayWithFood is my command. The #Lobster (small) edition. 💞
#lobster #playwithfood #BetterHalf
Fortunately for my peace of mind, #BetterHalf remembered that the lights died last year in the lightning strike - *before* she decided that I had "clearly forgotten" some other box of decorations.
We have 3 boxes of decorations, collected over 25 years. They are labelled.
#BetterHalf has decided that It Is Time To Put Up The Christmas Tree.
So we have Boooooblay cranked (#Child1 has recently discovered his Christmas ouvre) and are putting on *all 24* of the Christmas-style #Squishmallows I got from Costco back in September
#BetterHalf #child1 #squishmallows
btw, I'll never not be sad that Meg White isn't releasing music anymore.
Over the last 2 weeks we've collected the whole 'rona set, Family Edition. #Child1 is pretty-much over it now (got to school, yay!), #BetterHalf is recovering but feels blech. I tested +ve on Friday, #Child2 this morning. We're at a point where "meh" is an improvement. Feeling a lot of brain fog. Eager for this shitty virus to be done.
Yesterday #child1 said she was going to bake bread today. Just asked her whether she was going to do it... she said no, it's too cold.
Our temp gauge says 24C/79%rh inside, I pass this info to her.
She said that it still wasn't warm enough and *because we don't have a proving drawer in the oven like on #GBBO* the dough wouldn't rise.
#BetterHalf & I are highly amused.