Henbane and Halibut (Seaglass Cove Mysteries) by E. R. Blackwell & Cass Blackwell ~ #BookTour #Excerpt
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Kiss of the Fallen by Kharma Kelley ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #Giveaway https://angelsguiltypleasures.com/2023/07/kiss-of-the-fallen-by-kharma-kelley-booktour-excerpt/ #BewitchingBookTours, #BookTour, #Giveaway, #Spotlight @angels_gp
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Kiss of the Fallen by Kharma Kelley ~ #BookTour #Excerpt
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The Demon’s Fire (The Blood Coven) by T.M. Smith ~ #BookTour #Excerpt
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Entwined Within the Darkness (Within the Darkness) by Charley Black ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #Giveaway
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It Takes Discipline with Barb Jones #SupernaturalThriller #WritingAdvice #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3JLs1ZI
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Inside Scoop on the Main Character in Pirate Lover’s Curse by Sheri Queen #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3kR1y2r
Author Interview - Titanian Warrior by Victoria Saccenti #bewitchingbooktours
Ten of the Most Important Lessons Donald Firesmith Has Learned as an Author
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Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex Chronicles) by Kristy Centeno ~ #BookTour #Excerpt #Giveaway
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How to Get Away with Murder (Or Not) with Mystery Author A.N. Sage #ParanormalCozyMystery #Mystery #MurderMystery #bewitchingbooktours #GuestBlog http://ow.ly/cNnS50MxzeG
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Fix The Flint Chronicles Book One by Melodie Bolt - Epic Urban Fantasy - Fix will do anything to get home, even murder. #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/mM9t50LWbpb #giveaway #AmazonGiftCardGiveaway
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A renegade angel once changed human society forever…
now a new angel will change it again.
Martyr by Linda Robertson Reinhardt
Listen to the soundtrack https://amzn.to/3ObBARI
Order Martyr on Amazon https://amzn.to/3EpQteL
Check out the Immanence Series https://amzn.to/3UZ2jns
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Author Interview- The Art of Always by Patricia Friedrich #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/6biw50LLUVJ
Halloween Flash Fiction by E.M. Munsch- Author of A Haunting at Marianwood #bewitchingbooktours http://ow.ly/1nl050LLUSr