RT EESC Sustainable Development
🔴We will soon be live with the 4th #EUYouthRoundTables!
Follow the dialogue between young people, @EU_EESC Members and EVP @TimmermansEU on #WellbeingEconomy & #BeyondGrowth! 📈🌍🌱
👉 http://europa.eu/!jFGc4C https://t.co/pJMj4zB6dX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_NAT/status/1681214301703380993
#EUYouthRoundTables #WellbeingEconomy #BeyondGrowth
RT EESC Sustainable Development
🗣️ Young people have the right to have a say on matters that concern them - #WellbeingEconomy & #BeyondGrowth! 📈🌍🌱
Find out more about the programme & participants of the 4th #EUYouthRoundTables with 🇪🇺 EVP @TimmermansEU!
👉 http://europa.eu/!nHMVhM
👉 http://europa.eu/!Bf9hk9 https://t.co/ZTTquPOx8k
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_NAT/status/1679816826002325509
#WellbeingEconomy #BeyondGrowth #EUYouthRoundTables
RT EESC Sustainable Development
🧐 Young people at the same table with high-level EU decision-makers? It's possible!
Join us and 🇪🇺 Commissioner @TimmermansEU for the 4th #EUYouthRoundTables on #WellbeingEconomy and #BeyondGrowth! 🌍
🗓️ 18 July 2023
⏰ 10:30-11:30
Discover more!
👉 http://europa.eu/!wCMNn7 https://t.co/LuDZlY6mcE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_NAT/status/1678782432819183620
#EUYouthRoundTables #WellbeingEconomy #BeyondGrowth
RT Wellbeing Economy Alliance - WEAll
What would a #WellbeingEconomy for #Europe actually mean? New discussion paper from the #EUWellbeingEconomy coalition sets out ideas and recommendations for the essential components of a better economic system: https://ieep.eu/publications/discussion-paper-on-eu-wellbeing-economy/
#BeyondGrowth #systemschange
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WEAll_Alliance/status/1675921285510213632
#WellbeingEconomy #Europe #EUWellbeingEconomy #BeyondGrowth #systemschange
RT EESC Sustainable Development
📢 Exciting news! 📢
The call for participants for the fourth Round Table, with 🇪🇺 EVP @TimmermansEU, has been extended until Friday 30 June.
Apply now and be part of the wellbeing economy movement! 🌍💚
👉 http://europa.eu/!9QX33P
#BeyondGrowth #EUYouthRoundTables https://t.co/X9gUCOnFd2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_NAT/status/1673624277684305922
#BeyondGrowth #EUYouthRoundTables
RT Neel Tamhane
Wrapping up #EUSEW2023
@JorgensenJuul along with @diederiksamsom lauded the suggestions from the Young Energy Ambassadors to ‘move away from consumption towards sufficiency’ 💚
#BeyondGrowth https://t.co/F9hWbOVEwj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/neeltamhane/status/1671948357407846400
Et si la croissance n'était plus l'alpha et l'oméga de nos politiques publiques?
Il est temps de se doter d'une autre boussole et d'inventer de nouvelles règles économiques!
Retrouvez mon intervention à la conférence #BeyondGrowth au Parlement 🇪🇺👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ManonAubryFr/status/1665382148797284353
RT @Green_Europe: 🎉 Today is the #GlobalDegrowthDay 2023!
💔 Our current economic model has driven societies to extract more resources and produce more products than we need, exploiting labour and nature far beyond their limits.
🌎 It's time to move #BeyondGrowth.
👉 https://reimagine-economy.eeb.org/ https://t.co/daKqub27Id
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RipaManuela/status/1664947707549556738
#GlobalDegrowthDay #BeyondGrowth
RT @MPHoogeveen: Onlangs vond in Brussel de #BeyondGrowth Conferentie plaats. Een eco-marxistisch feestje. Georganiseerd door radicaal-links, Groen én de Europese groepen van CDA en VVD. @vonderleyen kwam zelfs spreken. Zorgelijk!
#JA21 staat wél voor economische groei, welvaart en banen! https://t.co/7mgmOe7zDE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/djeppink/status/1664697333701922819
Martinas Woche ist online
#Besuchergruppe #BeyondGrowth #Strukturfonds #Migration #Munitionsproduktion #Rüstung #Solingen #Sozialpolitik #Türkeiwahl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martina_michels/status/1663473901999890432
#Besuchergruppe #BeyondGrowth #Strukturfonds #migration #Munitionsproduktion #rüstung #Solingen #sozialpolitik #Türkeiwahl
RT @foeeurope: Why the #BeyondGrowth conference last week could be the "tipping point in thinking and governance in response to the convergence of crises facing humanity today"❗
@Robert_Costanza in @openDemocracy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HelmutScholzMEP/status/1662175793965875200
#BeyondGrowth #PostGrowthEurope
⏪ Catch Up on the Care Economy Panel
🇪🇺 I moderated The #BeyondGrowth Conference Care Panel in the @europarl.
👇 The insights on how we can eradicate gender-blind policies within the care economy are worth watching back.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1662036480674394113
80% of care across the entire EU is provided by informal carers – and it’s vital they receive more support.
🔗 https://connachttribune.ie/mep-says-increased-support-is-needed-for-carers-to-ensure-a-sustainable-future/amp/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign&utm_content=ap_1or4vcps9t
#CareEconomy #Carers #BeyondGrowth
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1661014791060865027
#CareEconomy #carers #BeyondGrowth
Voici ce qui se passe à l’#UE : des activistes pro décroissance qui estiment que le « suprémacisme blanc » est aux commandes pour une croissance qu’il leur faut arrêter.
On ne sait pas si on doit rire ou pleurer.
RT @AnunaDe: No #degrowth without #decolonization.
Watch my closing speech at the #BeyondGrowth conference in the European Parliament 👇🏼
https://www.beyond-growth-2023.eu/lecture/closing-plenary/ https://t.co/2z7Vj6HxMS
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jerome_riviere/status/1660672327846174723
#UE #degrowth #decolonization #BeyondGrowth
RT @timparrique: Pointing to the insignificant decrease of one single environmental indicator and calling it 'green growth' is deceptive - a macroeconomic form of greenwashing. My response to @TheEconomist (@spignal) about #BeyondGrowth.
https://t.co/JH3QgBUuZJ https://t.co/u4NqDG6s4D
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/catherinerowett/status/1660554744836812806
„Model rasta koji se temelji na fosilnim gorivima jednostavno je zastario.
Moramo dekarbonizirati svoja gospodarstva što je brže moguće.
Upravo zato predlažemo europski 🟢 plan.”
- Predsjednica @vonderleyen na konferenciji #BeyondGrowth
RT @EU_Commission: “A growth model centered on fossil fuels is simply obsolete.
We need to decarbonise our economies as quickly as possible.
And this is exactly why we put forward our European Green Deal.”
— President @vonderL…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1660555988083040256
“A growth model centered on fossil fuels is simply obsolete.
We need to decarbonise our economies as quickly as possible.
And this is exactly why we put forward our European Green Deal.”
— President @vonderleyen at the #BeyondGrowth conference
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Commission/status/1660534204399058944
RT @EU_Commission: “A growth model centered on fossil fuels is simply obsolete.
We need to decarbonise our economies as quickly as possible.
And this is exactly why we put forward our European Green Deal.”
— President @vonderleyen at the #BeyondGrowth conference
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1660541591184973826
RT @EU_Commission: “A growth model centered on fossil fuels is simply obsolete.
We need to decarbonise our economies as quickly as possible.
And this is exactly why we put forward our European Green Deal.”
— President @vonderleyen at the #BeyondGrowth conference
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EC_AVService/status/1660534238700007425
RT @EU_Commission: “A growth model centered on fossil fuels is simply obsolete.
We need to decarbonise our economies as quickly as possible.
And this is exactly why we put forward our European Green Deal.”
— President @vonderleyen at the #BeyondGrowth conference
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1660548888820871168