Might be revising my intro post a bit, soon.

I read genderdysphoria.fyi/ and while I might be legitimately more dudely than some transfems, I'm now pretty sure I'm not actually , but a mostly-binary who's been holding on to excuses not to transition.

Therapy appointment Thursday, this could get interesting >.<

#transfem #BiGender

Last updated 2 years ago

For whatever reason, I'm fine with my RL acquaintances knowing I'm Kali Ranya, but I've taken some pains to avoid leaking the RL identity to people who know me first as Kali.

Somehow the concept of "immersion" with a identity is good for my gender euphoria..?

#BiGender #vtuber

Last updated 2 years ago

Just realized I don't really have a social media presence under my non-vtubing identity, anymore. used to be my main haunt, but when I closed those accounts down I only replaced the Kali Ranya one here.

I still interact as *mumblemumble* in work, family, and in-person contexts, but "online social" I'm much more at home in this persona.

#BiGender #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

hiyenas · @hiyenas
1 followers · 1 posts · Server critter.zone

Hello, I'm Jamie! I'm 23 years old and I'm a demi-bi/omniromantic asexual bigender boygirl! My pronouns are they/it/yeen and I like video editing, stuffed animals, vulture culture, anime, cartoons, and furbys. I'm autistic, adhd, mentally ill, and physically disabled. To find out more about, check out my carrd, it's sicksick.carrd.co

#introduction #actuallyautistic #nonbinary #cripplepunk #asexual #furby #videoeditor #alterhuman #therian #otherkin #BiGender

Last updated 2 years ago

@AliceStar One of the most disorienting experiences I've had as a person was when I was in girlmode--pitching my voice up and all, lol--and answered a phone call from someone expecting me to be masc... it was like stumbling into a logical paradox, I got all tongue-tied XD


Last updated 2 years ago

My experience and my experience have a certain overlap...

, being masculine is... fine? it's an easy default? it doesn't bother me? but the real fun happens in girlmode. That's what we call gender euphoria!

social preference, being alone is... fine? it's where I'm at most of the time, WFH and all? I don't mind it? But my heart really soars when I get to do something exciting with people!

#gender #ambivert #BiGender

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm a boy. What other option is there?
I'm a boy, but not like *those* boys. ...not like most boys, even.
I'm a boy who enjoys *pretending* to be a girl.
I'm... a demiboy? demigirl? something?
I'm an enby? genderfluid? hrm
Okok, I'm not dysphoric as a dude but I'm definitely euphoric as a lady, that is a thing. ! mode switch!
At this rate I'll have rejected masculinity entirely in a couple years. But we're headed toward that being illegal, around here, so 🤷🏼‍♀️

#BiGender #queer

Last updated 2 years ago


I'm Kali Ranya, of vtuber.house.

I'm a web dev by trade but I have serious impostor syndrome!

I'm a hobbyist on Twitch, twitch.tv/kaliranya, in it for self-expression and community rather than fame and money. I do cozy chillstreams including narrative games, fiction reading, and collabs!

It's taken me a while to find my identity but I now consider myself , under the broader label. As Kali I'm in she/her mode!

#transgender #BiGender #queer #SFW #vtuber #admin #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago